From: LVTravel on

"Gordon" <gordonbparker(a)> wrote in message
> "Terry Farrell" <terryfarrell(a)> wrote in message
> news:e927Eo0nKHA.5696(a)TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> The second paragraph has a missing word. It should read:
>> If it is a retail version, then you can install it on a desktop and a
>> portable providing it is ONLY USED on one or the other at any given time.
> Does it not say as well that the portable must be owned by the owner of
> the primary device?

Actually the '07 EULA for retail says "Portable Device. You may install
another copy on a portable device for use by the single primary user of the
licensed device."

The '03 EULA for retail says "install an additional copy of the Software on
a second, portable device for the exclusive use of the primary user of the
first copy of the Software."