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From: cookiesbabies on 15 May 2010 17:41 how do i email my resume to employers and others
From: Doug Robbins - Word MVP on 15 May 2010 18:03 Create an email message in what ever mail program that you use and attach the file containing your resume to that message. I would suggest that you convert your resume to a .pdf file using the free PrimoPDF pdf creator if you do not have any other means of doing it. Then the recipient will be able to read the resume, no matter what software you used to create it with. -- Hope this helps. Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my services on a paid consulting basis. Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via "cookiesbabies" <cookiesbabies(a)> wrote in message news:075BF841-EBE0-4773-BCDC-36C194A72679(a) > how do i email my resume to employers and others
From: Tom Willett on 17 May 2010 08:55
Have you never sent an attachment? Have you ever read a help file? "cookiesbabies" <cookiesbabies(a)> wrote in message news:075BF841-EBE0-4773-BCDC-36C194A72679(a) : how do i email my resume to employers and others |