From: jassem on
i have an color image I and i would compute the men and the variance
with matlab
how i can do these.
From: ImageAnalyst on
The mean *what* and the variance of *what*?
Once you figure that out, there are mean(), var(), and std() functions.
From: Greg Heath on
On May 25, 5:34 am, jassem <c2iis...(a)> wrote:
> i have an color image I and i would compute the men and the variance
> with matlab
> how i can do these.

[m n] = size(image1)
meanimage1 = mean(image1(:))
varimage1 = var(image1(:))

Hope this helps.

From: ImageAnalyst on
I think you mean
[rows columns numberOfColorBands] = size(image1) ;

with your formula, n returns the (number of color bands) * (the number
of columns).

Ad there are other things you can take the mean and variance of such
as the mean of the L or V channel, the Hue channel, etc. Just depends
on what you plan on doing with this information.