From: Satya on 1 Feb 2010 05:23 Dear friends plz help me in following code once i execute following code, it converts image of admit table but title and footnote repeats twice; How avoid repeats of title and footnote? is there any option; plz let me know goptions reset=global hsize=7.5in vsize=9in hpos=75 vpos=60 NOCHARACTERS; filename e 'F:\table11.txt'; proc printto print=e new ; run; proc print data=sasuser.admit; title "Admit dataset output"; footnote "End of the Output"; run; proc printto; run; proc gprint fileref=e name='Table3' NOCC O; quit; Thanks
From: TheSharpOne on 1 Feb 2010 06:06 you need to reset the title and footnote after the first Proc print so your code could look like: goptions reset=global hsize=7.5in vsize=9in hpos=75 vpos=60 NOCHARACTERS; filename e 'F:\table11.txt'; proc printto print=e new ; run; proc print data=sasuser.admit; title "Admit dataset output"; footnote "End of the Output"; run; Title; Footnote; proc printto; run; proc gprint fileref=e name='Table3' NOCC O; quit;
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