From: jon D on
Dear All,

I have used guide till now (to write a GUI) but now, want to write my gui on my own.
my question is:

I want to create an object and define a handle to an object in a callback and be able to use it in other callbacks.
so till now (with Guide) i did:
function Load_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
import mmcorej.*;
guidata(hObject, handles);
then I could use handles.mmc in other functions and callbacks.

so I have tried doing it like this:
% define the pushbutton and callback:
handles.Load_Button = uicontrol( 'Parent', handles.figure1, ...
'Tag', 'Load_Button', ...
'UserData', zeros(1,0), ...
'Style', 'pushbutton', ...
'Units', 'characters', ...
'CData', zeros(1,0));
set (handles.Load_Button,'callback',{@Load_Button_Callback ,handles});
% the callback function:
function Load_Button_Callback(hObject , eventdata, handles)
import mmcorej.*;
guidata(hObject, handles);

But the handles structure is not updated once the function ends. ( I think that the command guidata(hObject,handles) is wrong)

also another short question (probably related):
what is this for (from guide generated m file):
handles.output = hObject;

and do i need to do something like this in a GUI I write?

Many thanks,

Jon Donner
From: Andy on
You should probably read these:

They are all simple GUIs with short, easy-to-understand code written without GUIDE.
From: jon D on
Thanks Andy,

I have gone over the relevant examples but still can't find an answer

Thanks again,


"Andy " <theorigamist(a)> wrote in message <hifblh$6iv$1(a)>...
> You should probably read these:
> They are all simple GUIs with short, easy-to-understand code written without GUIDE.
From: Andy on
% Here is a small sample:

function GUI_sample

S.fh = figure('units','pixels',...
'position',[200 200 200 500],...
'userdata',1,... % stores the number of push buttons
S.pb = uicontrol('style','pushbutton',...
'position',[10 470 180 20],...
'string','Push For New Button',...

function pb_call(src,evnt)
'position',lastpos-[0 30 0 0],...
'string','Push For New Button',...
set(S.fh,'userdata',numbuttons+1); % don't forget to update the userdata