From: Daniel Berger on

On Apr 13, 11:26 am, Tony Arcieri <tony.arci...(a)> wrote:
> Another option, utilizing Ruby's mutable strings:
> while line = io.gets
>   line.slice!(0, 2)
>   io1.write line
> end

If you want to avoid temporary files:

# Backup your file first, just in case, for testing purposes.

require 'mmap'
m ='mtp.txt', 'rw')
m.gsub!(/^..(.*)/, '\1')
m.each{ |line| puts line }



From: Albert Schlef on
Robert Klemme wrote:
> At your favorite shell prompt:
> $ cut -c 3- /home/pt/test/mtp.txt >| /home/pt/test/mtpback.txt

Where is ">|" explained? Looks useful. I did "man bash", and I can find
about three mentions of ">|" there, but it's not explained.

(BTW, removing columns can be done in Vim too, it has a "visual block"
mode, which can be entered with Control-v.)
Posted via

From: Seebs on
On 2010-04-14, Albert Schlef <albertschlef(a)> wrote:
> Robert Klemme wrote:
>> At your favorite shell prompt:
>> $ cut -c 3- /home/pt/test/mtp.txt >| /home/pt/test/mtpback.txt

> Where is ">|" explained? Looks useful. I did "man bash", and I can find
> about three mentions of ">|" there, but it's not explained.

If the redirection operator is >, and the noclobber
option to the set builtin has been enabled, the redirection
will fail if the file whose name results from the expansion
of word exists and is a regular file. If the redirection
operator is >|, or the redirection operator is > and the
noclobber option to the set builtin command is not enabled,
the redirection is attempted even if the file named by
word exists.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed. Peter Seebach / usenet-nospam(a) <-- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures <-- get educated!
From: Robert Klemme on
On 14.04.2010 03:06, Albert Schlef wrote:
> Robert Klemme wrote:
>> At your favorite shell prompt:
>> $ cut -c 3- /home/pt/test/mtp.txt>| /home/pt/test/mtpback.txt
> Where is ">|" explained? Looks useful. I did "man bash", and I can find
> about three mentions of ">|" there, but it's not explained.

This is even part of the POSIX standard. I don't have the link handy
and I believe you must register with them but reading and downloading
the standard is free.

> (BTW, removing columns can be done in Vim too, it has a "visual block"
> mode, which can be entered with Control-v.)

Cool, thanks for the hint! In vi(m) I would probably have used
":%s/^..//". :-)

Kind regards


remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end