From: Jamie Granek on 1 Mar 2006 23:24 Hi, I want matlab to play continuous sound until a stop command. Eg load handel; player=audioplayer(y,Fs); play(player); Will play vector y until finished whilst allowing use of matlab during the playback. I want play to loop whilst allowing me to continue to control matlab (to perform real time analysis), until I type (or the command appears in my mfile) the stop(player) command. Any ideas? I suppose I could make y a very very long vector by concatenating it with itself many times, but this seems a waste of memory resources. Regards, Jamie
From: Dave Robinson on 2 Mar 2006 05:51 Jamie Granek wrote: > > > Hi, > > I want matlab to play continuous sound until a stop command. > > Eg > > load handel; > player=audioplayer(y,Fs); > play(player); > > Will play vector y until finished whilst allowing use of matlab > during the playback. > > I want play to loop whilst allowing me to continue to control > matlab > (to perform real time analysis), until I type (or the command > appears > in my mfile) the stop(player) command. > > Any ideas? > > I suppose I could make y a very very long vector by concatenating > it > with itself many times, but this seems a waste of memory resources. > > Regards, > Jamie Just a thought, if you read in your sound file as a wav using wavread so [Sound,Fs,Prec] = wavread('mysoundfile.wav') Here Fs is the sample rate of the file. Using length(Sound) and Fs you can determine the playtime of your sound track. Now you should be able to set up a timer object that triggers at this period of time which uses sound(Sound) or one of the many other equivelent functions as its callback. I can't remember which one it is, but one function gives you the option of waiting until the soundtrack finishes before continuing, or continuing in parallel with the playing of the sound. Maybe helpful Dave Robinson
From: Brian Wherry on 3 Mar 2006 13:17 Hi Jamie, Here's a basic approach that should work: Create a MATLAB function somewhat like this: function audioplayerLoopingStopFcn(haudioplayer, eventStruct) if ~ haudioplayer.UserData.stopPlayback play(haudioplayer); end This uses a field in the audioplayer object's UserData to signal when playback should *not* continue looping. All you need is to put that UserData field in there and set the audioplayer object's StopFcn to be the audioplayerLoopingStopFcn. Something like this: load handel; p = audioplayer(y, Fs); blah.stopPlayback = false; p.UserData = blah; p.StopFcn = @audioplayerLoopingStopFcn; play(p); % should keep playing so long as p doesn't get destroyed and stopPlayback is false .. .. .. % stop it p.UserData.stopPlayback = true; stop(p); HTH, Brian ps- When you issue another play() inside audioplayerLoopingStopFcn, you *may* have to first wait until playback has completely finished (inspect the Running property). IIRC, the StopFcn is called when the audioplayer is *stopping*, not necessarily when it's *already stopped*. "Jamie Granek" <jgranek(a)> wrote in message news:ef2aa8b.-1(a)webx.raydaftYaTP... > Hi, > > I want matlab to play continuous sound until a stop command. > > Eg > > load handel; > player=audioplayer(y,Fs); > play(player); > > Will play vector y until finished whilst allowing use of matlab > during the playback. > > I want play to loop whilst allowing me to continue to control matlab > (to perform real time analysis), until I type (or the command appears > in my mfile) the stop(player) command. > > Any ideas? > > I suppose I could make y a very very long vector by concatenating it > with itself many times, but this seems a waste of memory resources. > > Regards, > Jamie
From: jamie granek on 5 Mar 2006 21:29 Thanks for your suggestions Dave and Brian. Unfortunately there were problems with both. Both have timing problems. I would like the sound to loop with no break between stopping and re-starting. So after the last sample is played the first should be played in time for the next sample period (1/fs). 1) Problems with Brian's solution: a) After each loop, there is a short pause and click. For my application I want the loop to be continuous as if the audioplayer was playing a long waveform. b) I could not get the audioplayer to stop as I couldn't set the stop flag to true. However, it seemed to stop on its own after a few or many loops for an unknown reason? I stepped through the following code in debug mode: %------------------------------------------- % Create 1 sec pure tone Fs = 8192 % standard sampling rate (samples/sec) cf = 1000; % carrier freq (Hz) t=0:1/Fs:1; % one second y2=sin(2*pi*cf*t); % Setup Audioplayer p = audioplayer(y2, Fs); blah.stopPlayback = false; p.UserData = blah; p.StopFcn = @audioplayerLoopingStopFcn; play(p); % should keep playing so long as p doesn't get destroyed and % stopPlayback is false % stop it p.UserData.stopPlayback = true; stop(p); function audioplayerLoopingStopFcn(haudioplayer, eventStruct) % subfunction if ~ haudioplayer.UserData.stopPlayback play(haudioplayer); end %------------------------------------------- But at >> p.UserData.stopPlayback = true got the error: ??? Error using ==> audioplayer.subsasgn Inconsistently placed '.' in subscript expression. I don't know why? 2) Problems with Dave's solution Also a timing problem. Setting the timer period to (length(y))/Fs did not cause the audioplayer to replay. I had to add an additional delay in the the order of 0.3 sec for the player to restart. So again there was a gap between finishing and re-starting. Sample code: %----------------------------------------------- load handel; % comes with matlab player=audioplayer(y,Fs); % Use of timer to restart audioplayer exactly when previously play is % expected to stop. t = timer set(t,'period',((length(y))/Fs)+0.3) % set period of timer set(t,'taskstoexecute',2) % set max number of times timer runs t.StartFcn = 'disp(''this is my start fn'')' % set(t, 'executionmode','fixedDelay') set(t, 'executionmode','fixedspacing') set(t,'timerfcn', {@mytimerfn, player}) start(t) delete(t) function mytimerfn(obj, event, player) disp('this is my timer function') play(player) %----------------------------------------------- If anyone has any further ideas, that would be much appreciated. Regards, Jamie
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