From: Philip R. Schiff on
Dear MathGroup,

Basically, I have legends that look like

- - - plot 1
___ plot 2

but I want them to be

- - - - - - plot 1
______ plot 2

I see that this question was posed in 2001 and answered, but I don't really
understand the solution. Can it be explained for this bozo? I'm good with
structural programming but don't always follow the more esoteric Mathematica
commands (usually the "Apply") that he uses to generate the style table.
But all that aside, I figure out where in the solution
that he actually makes the lines to be wider. Ideally, this could become a
feature in a future version...


Philip R. Schiff
School of Chemistry
Tel Aviv University
69978 Tel Aviv, Israel

From: Jan Baetens on
Hi Philip,

From my experience I must say that the Legend-function has quite some
shortcomings, though you get round this by wrapping a plot function,
such as Listplot for visualizing your data, together with a Graphics
doing the Legend, in a Show.

Something like this should work:

Graphics[{*everything you need for a legend, such Polygon for framed
legend, Text for the labels en Line or Point for showing the appropriate
data labels next to the Point or Line*}]]

By using Graphics for creating a legend you can embrace the power of the
Graphics function for making nice legends!



On 2/1/2010 12:11 PM, Philip R. Schiff wrote:
> Dear MathGroup,
> Basically, I have legends that look like
> - - - plot 1
> ___ plot 2
> but I want them to be
> - - - - - - plot 1
> ______ plot 2
> I see that this question was posed in 2001 and answered, but I don't really
> understand the solution. Can it be explained for this bozo? I'm good with
> structural programming but don't always follow the more esoteric Mathematica
> commands (usually the "Apply") that he uses to generate the style table.
> But all that aside, I figure out where in the solution
> that he actually makes the lines to be wider. Ideally, this could become a
> feature in a future version...
> Best,
> Phil

ir. Jan Baetens

Ghent University
Department of Applied Mathematics, Biometrics and Process Control
Coupure Links 653
B-9000 Gent


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