From: Archimedes Plutonium on

Archimedes Plutonium wrote:
> Let me first start off by saying that neither the Big Bang nor the
> Atom Totality theories
> are comfortable with reported large blueshifts from distant galaxies.
> Both theories predict a predominance of
> redshifts, especially the Atom Totality theory. Both are comfortable
> with a few blueshifts
> in nearby local galaxies. Blueshifts of rotation are expected. And
> blueshifts of Andromeda
> and Barnard star is acceptable, for they are tiny blueshifts and
> nearby. But as for this report:
> --- quoting about a quasar blueshift ---
>  We have obtained optical intermediate-resolution spectra (R=3000) of
> the narrow-line quasars DMS 0059-0055 and PG 1543+489. The [O III]
> emission line in DMS 0059-0055 is blueshifted by 880 km s-1 relative
> to Hbeta. We also confirm that the [O III] emission line in PG
> 1543+489 has a relative blueshift of 1150 km s-1. These two narrow-
> line quasars show the largest [O III] blueshifts known to date among
> type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGNs).
> --- end quoting ---
> Both theories are uncomfortable with that report. Could it be a report
> in error?
> Or, could it be what the Wikipedia says about a gravitational lens
> blueshift
> only in this situation a EM lens blueshift?
> --- quoting Wikipedia on redshift ---
> Finally, gravitational
> redshifts are a relativistic effect observed in electromagnetic
> radiation moving out of gravitational fields. Conversely, a decrease
> in wavelength is called blue shift and is generally seen when a
> light-
> emitting object moves toward an observer or when electromagnetic
> radiation moves into a gravitational field.
> --- end quoting Wikipedia ---
> So that maybe, just maybe, the EM lens of a Atom Totality has a band
> of blueshifted
> galaxies at a special distance from Earth. Just like in that survey
> where a "ring structure"
> appears and not knowing if it is an intrinsic ring.
> So maybe, just maybe, the Atom Totality theory with a predominance of
> redshift has
> a lens, such that a optical affect occurrs so that a Cosmic ring of
> blueshifts occurrs
> at a special distance from earth.
> In summary, essentially the Big Bang and the Atom Totality predict
> vast and
> widespread and the overwhelming majority of shifts to be redshift, and
> a rarity
> of blueshifts.
> Just as the fiberglass window panel sees every white light redshifted,
> that only
> the local galaxies and stars have a chance of a blueshift.
> But because the EM lens of the Atom Totality is a lens of a optical
> affect, that
> there is a possibility that at a certain distance, the white light
> becomes blueshifted
> in a halo ring affect.

Sorry, I should have referenced this "survey" and the "halo ring of
the survey".

In this survey a curious ring is found, and whether it is intrinsic or

--- quoting ---

The third layer (0.01 < z < 0.02) is dominated by the P-P supercluster
(left side of image) and the P-I supercluster extending up into the
ZoA terminating as the Great Attractor region (notably Abell 3627)
disappears behind a wall of Milky Way stars. An intriguing "ring" or
chain of galaxies seems to circle/extend from the northern to the
southern Galactic hemisphere (see also Figure 1). It is unknown
whether this ring-like structure is physically associated with the
cosmic web or an artifact of projection.

--- end quoting ---

So I ask the question whether the above Harvard furthest distant
is a galaxy member belonging to this ring?

So if the Harvard quasar blueshift is a member of the Caltech survey
ring structure, then we may have solved a troublesome report. The
solution is
that the Cosmos has ring structure which is due to a EM lens of the

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies