From: jenya polyakova on
I have data vector. I would like to plot ecdf but not as a curve but rather at each category I would have data point belonging to this category. Does it make sense?
From: Tom Lane on
>I have data vector. I would like to plot ecdf but not as a curve but rather
>at each category I would have data point belonging to this category. Does
>it make sense?

I didn't see anyone try to answer this. I have to confess I don't kow what
you mean by "category." The ecdf function does return vectors that you can
plot yourself. You could even plot them using gscatter if you have some
"category" information to code into the plot.

The best I can come up with based on your question is this:

load fisheriris
x = meas(:,1);
[x,t] = sort(x);
y = ((1:length(x)) - 0.5) / length(x);

-- Tom