From: Neelima on
Dear all

I have nww3 global monthly wind files, for the years 1998 and 2000. The extension given to the files is .grb . I dont know any of the details of that file, other than mentioned above, as I dont know how to open or read it. So, by google search I got this forum and through some other source, I installed matlab-cdi toolbox in windows,(set path of that matlab-cdi toolbox) and with the commands given in that websitte itself, I tried to open it, the comand I have given is as below

Now you can easily read a variable from a GRIB file with:

y=cdi_readfull( 'GRIBFILE', '', 'VARIABLEID' )

Using this I have given the command as,

d = cdi_readfull('nww3.wind.199805.grb');
??? Attempt to execute SCRIPT cdi_readfull as a function.

I got the error as shown above.

CAn anyone help me , how to read a grb file in matlab? Is the procedure I followed is correct or not. Please help me. I have to know all the details of that dataset , and extract it to the Indian Ocean region, and convert it to ascii, so that I can easily use it as an input file in the ww3model.

Please help me.

Thanku & Regards,
From: TideMan on
On Apr 8, 11:38 pm, "Neelima " <neelima_oc...(a)> wrote:
> Dear all
> I have nww3 global monthly wind files, for the years 1998 and 2000. The extension given to the files is .grb . I dont know any of the details of that file, other than mentioned above, as I dont know how to open or read it. So, by google search I got this forum and through some other source, I installed matlab-cdi toolbox in windows,(set path of that matlab-cdi toolbox) and with the commands given in that websitte itself, I tried to open it, the comand I have given is as below
> Now you can easily read a variable from a GRIB file with:
> y=cdi_readfull( 'GRIBFILE', '', 'VARIABLEID' )
> Using this I have given the command as,
> d = cdi_readfull('nww3.wind.199805.grb');
> ??? Attempt to execute SCRIPT cdi_readfull as a function.
> I got the error as shown above.
> CAn anyone help me , how to read a grb file in matlab? Is the procedure I followed is correct or not. Please help me. I have to know all the details of that dataset , and extract it to the Indian Ocean region, and convert it to ascii, so that I can easily use it as an input file in the ww3model.
> Please help me.
> Thanku & Regards,
> neel

I use read_grib 1.4.0 and it works fine.
Google search read_grib
From: Neelima on
Thanku TideMan

as said by you, i downloaded the read_grib file from google, n kept in the required folder of matlab, whr the present wind.grb files were there.

In the read_grid.m function it is given as

But I dont know any of the details of the grb file, other than the name of the file, nww3.wind199805.grb . How to get the irec and varargin details of the file.

I am completely new in using this type of files.

Many thanks in advance for your help


TideMan <mulgor(a)> wrote in message <61b9a6f6-c94c-485d-8609-73e280e441ff(a)>...

> I use read_grib 1.4.0 and it works fine.
> Google search read_grib
From: TideMan on
On Apr 9, 5:00 pm, "Neelima " <neelima_oc...(a)> wrote:
> Thanku TideMan
> as said by you, i downloaded the read_grib file from google, n kept in the required folder of matlab, whr the present wind.grb files were there.
> In the read_grid.m function it is given as
> grib_struct=read_grib(gribname,irec,varargin)
> But I dont know any of the details of the grb file, other than the name of the file, nww3.wind199805.grb . How to get the irec and varargin details of the file.
> I am completely new in using this type of files.
> Many thanks in advance for your help
> Neel
> TideMan <mul...(a)> wrote in message <61b9a6f6-c94c-485d-8609-73e280e44...(a)>...
> > I use read_grib 1.4.0 and it works fine.
> > Google search read_grib

Please don't top post. It makes the thread hard to follow.
Put your reply UNDERNEATH.

You need to use your brain a bit, rather than whining about being new.
When you get a new program, the first thing you need to do is:
help read_grib
and read what it says there.
Then try it out with a few numbers and see what you get.

Then, if you don't get anywhere, post here what you've tried and what
you don't understand.
No one has the time to spoon feed a person who makes no effort
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