From: Bhuvan on
Thanks Steve for ur time....but what exactly are deltaA,deltaB and to calculate them...if possible could you pls post a good tutorial link on this...
From: ImageAnalyst on
On May 1, 12:36 am, Bhuvan <kushalbhu...(a)> wrote:
> Thanks Steve for ur time....but what exactly are deltaA,deltaB and to calculate them...if possible could you pls post a good tutorial link on this...
Well, like I already showed, deltaL is the difference ("delta" usually
means "difference" in engineering) between the two L values. The L
value of one image minus the L value of the other image.

Right there in the help for makecform() which I mentioned is this


Convert RGB image to L*a*b*, assuming input image is sRGB.

rgb = imread('peppers.png');
cform = makecform('srgb2lab');
lab = applycform(rgb,cform);

Just do that for two images to get lab1 and lab2, then extract the
component images like this:
LImage1 = lab1(:,:,1);
AImage1 = lab1(:,:,2);
BImage1 = lab1(:,:,3);
LImage2 = lab2(:,:,1);
AImage2 = lab2(:,:,2);
BImage2 = lab2(:,:,3);
deltaLImage = LImage1 - LImage2;
deltaAImage = AImage1 - AImage2;
deltaBImage = BImage1 - BImage2;

From: Bhuvan on
That's awesome thanks a lot...steve
if i can ask this...what is your profession btw...
jus coz even i would like answer someones queries like this...
From: ImageAnalyst on
On May 1, 11:00 am, Bhuvan <kushalbhu...(a)> wrote:
> That's awesome thanks a lot...steve
> if i can ask this...what is your profession btw...
> jus coz even  i would like answer someones queries like this...

My Google profile is here:
My (shorter) Mathworks one is here:

At least one of Steve's is here:
From: Bhuvan on
??? Undefined function or method 'sqrt' for input arguments of type 'uint8'.

Error in ==> Untitled7 at 16
deltaE = sqrt(deltaLImage.^2 + deltaAImage.^2 + deltaBImage.^2);

steve Y is this???
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