From: Florian on
Hi everyone, let me explain my problem with an example

% A two dimensional example:
% Let's assume you have the following two dimensional grid data points
X = [1 6;3 7;5 2;8 1;10 0];

% In order to use griddatan for interpolation I need to convert these into a monotonously spaced grid like:
[x1,x2] = ndgrid( min((X(:,1))):1:max(X(:,1)), min((X(:,2))):1:max(X(:,2)) );

% The following xi is then used in griddatan
xi = [x1(:) y2(:)];

Generally speaking I need a code which automatically splits up X in N subvectors for N dimensions, passes them to ndgrid and also generates x2-xn automatically to produce xi.

How can I automate this if I only know that my data has N dimensions (X has N columns)?

thanks for your help,
From: Matt on
"Florian" <flowwiththeflo(a)> wrote in message <hejpbt$s1b$1(a)>...
> Hi everyone, let me explain my problem with an example
> % A two dimensional example:
> % Let's assume you have the following two dimensional grid data points
> X = [1 6;3 7;5 2;8 1;10 0];
> % In order to use griddatan for interpolation I need to convert these into a monotonously spaced grid like:
> [x1,x2] = ndgrid( min((X(:,1))):1:max(X(:,1)), min((X(:,2))):1:max(X(:,2)) );
> % The following xi is then used in griddatan
> xi = [x1(:) y2(:)];
> Generally speaking I need a code which automatically splits up X in N subvectors for N dimensions, passes them to ndgrid and also generates x2-xn automatically to produce xi.
> How can I automate this if I only know that my data has N dimensions (X has N columns)?

Something like the following:



for ii=1:N

[xi{1:N}]=ndgrid( ndgridArgs{:} );

xi=cat(N+1, xi{:});

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