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From: kunal varaiya on 13 Apr 2010 09:54 cimgs(y,x,u)=ccc % result image gray sacle imags(:,:,u); % orignal image for u=1:NIMAGES for y=STEP:STEP:SIDE-STEP for x=STEP:STEP:SIDE-STEP JJ=tgttensor(:,:,y,x,u); [eigenvects, eigenvals]=eigs(JJ,3); eigenvals=diag(eigenvals)'; if(sum(eigenvals)>0.00001) ccc=(eigenvals(2)-eigenvals(3))/(eigenvals(1)); cccvals(icounter)=sum(ccc); icounter=icounter+1; % if(ccc>=0.6) %imgs(y,x,u)=ccc; cimgs(y,x,u)=ccc; if(ccc>=0.4) c1imgs(y,x,u)=ccc; cccvals1(icounter1)=sum(ccc); icounter1=icounter1+1; end % cccvals1(icounter1)=sum(ccc); % icounter1=icounter1+1; % end end end end end i want to multiply this two image STEP by STEP means pixel bye pixel ---- |