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From: Deepak Sankar on 16 Jun 2010 14:12 Hey all, I have a question about aligning data. I am measuring height of surface at two different temperature using optical profilling system. The data is stored in a matrix format. Since I do measurements at different temperatures the alignement of the test sample changes. I need to know the height difference at different temperature difference along a particular section. For this, the data has to be aligned. Wondering how to go about it, since i dont know the angle of rotation. Thanks Deepak
From: ImageAnalyst on 16 Jun 2010 15:22 You have two different matrices. So how can you know how much of the difference is caused by lateral alignment differences and how much is due to height differences? Now if you had the same image and it was just shifted, you could do something. And if you knew the sample didn't shift at all, then you could say that the difference was solely due to height changes as it heated up. But if you have both height changes and translation/rotation, it's tough or impossible, depending on the magnitude of those changes. Not to mention boundary effects as some parts of your sample may be in one of the image but not the other. There might be some registration methods out there than can translate/rotate/warp and try their best to also match intensity on the translated/rotated/warped images. I haven't used any though. You might try here: 12 Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces,%20Matching%20and%20Recognition%20Using%20Points,%20Lines,%20Regions,%20Areas,%20Surfaces
From: Deepak Sankar on 28 Jun 2010 14:02 Hey, I have tried few methods. Cross-correlation doesnt seem to work. So I create a contour plot of the height data and save it as a jpg file and by using bwmorph I clean the image. Then I use cpselect for lower and higher temperature image file to find the angle and scaling factor. I am not sure if this is the right way of doing it. And I am also stuck on how to transform the matrix of height data knowing the angle and scaling factors. Any idea on how to go about it.. Thanks Deepak
From: ImageAnalyst on 28 Jun 2010 16:52 Use maketform() and tformfwd().
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