From: jatin mistry on
function stitchSequential()%directory)
directory = uigetdir('C:')
files = files(3:end) % ignore . and ..

%read all the images in the specified directory
for f=1:fileSize(1)
[directory '/' imageName ]
Mosaic(:,:,:,f) = double(imread([directory '/' imageName ]));
% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% % Only run the following lines ones, and comment out for next runs
%%%Here 4 corresponding point of each image set should be picked
% HM=1;
% for n=1:fileSize(1)-1
% figure(n),
% subplot(121);
% [xIm1,yIm1] = pick4points(Mosaic(:,:,:,n)/255, 'Mosaik image no 1');
% subplot(122);

% [xIm2,yIm2] = pick4points(Mosaic(:,:,:,n+1)/255, 'Mosaik image no 2');
% H=Dlt_H([xIm1 yIm1],[xIm2 yIm2])
% save(['HomographyH' num2str(n)],'H')
% save(['HomographyHM' num2str(n)],'HM')
% end

%start with the first image as reference image to stich the 2nd on
% boundingBox=zeros(x1,y1,z1);
% boundingBox(1:end,1:end,:)=Mosaic(:,:,:,1);
figure(1),imshow(refIm/255),pixval on
[xIm1,yIm1] = pick4points;

for n=1:fileSize(1)-1
[xIm2,yIm2] = pick4points;
H=Dlt_H([xIm1 yIm1],[xIm2 yIm2])
% save(['HomographyH' num2str(n)],'H')
% save(['HomographyHM' num2str(n)],'HM')
% %load the corresponding homography data for each image pair
% HomHFileName=['HomographyH' num2str(n)]
% HomHMFileName=['HomographyHM' num2str(n)]
% load(HomHFileName)
% load(HomHMFileName)
% H
% HM
% boundingBox(1:xBB1,1:yBB1,:)=refIm;
[maximum_x,minimum_x,maximum_y,minimum_y,dx,dy,MinToMaxX,MinToMaxY]=BBoxNew(refIm, Mosaic(:,:,:,n+1), inv(H));
% [xBB1,yBB1,zBB1]=size(boundingBox)

I'm getting an error :
"??? Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.

Error in ==> stitchSequential at 19
end "

can any one help me remove the error....
i've put the BBoxNew.m file case any one needs.......but i think BBoxNew.m
has no errors.....the only prblm is the error mentioned above....

function[maximum_x,minimum_x,maximum_y,minimum_y,dx,dy,MinToMaxX,MinToMaxY]=BBoxNew(refImage,image, H12);
[x1,y1,z1]=size(refImage);%x is the heigth y is the width
originalCorners=[1 1 1 ; y2 1 1 ; 1 x2 1; y2 x2 1];

for k=1:4

%The first row is the x values, the second row is y values
%Dertermmination of maximum and minimum values in the rotaded image, by
%taking maximum and minimum values of the corner values,
%The distance of coordinates between the two images
newMinX=min([minimum_x, 0]);
newMaxX=max([maximum_x, y1]);
newMinY=min([minimum_y, 0]);
newMaxY=max([maximum_y, x1]);
%the displacement from the border of the boundingbox
dx = max(1-minimum_x, 1)
dy = max(1-minimum_y, 1)

From: jatin mistry on
"jatin mistry" <jatinmistry_13(a)> wrote in message <hqbkuh$4eq$1(a)>...
> function stitchSequential()%directory)
> directory = uigetdir('C:')
> dir
> ImageDirectory=dir(directory)
> files={}
> files = files(3:end) % ignore . and ..
> fileName=char(files)
> size(fileName)
> fileSize=size(fileName)
> fileSize(1)
> fileSize(2)
> directory
> %read all the images in the specified directory
> for f=1:fileSize(1)
> imageName=[fileName(f,:)]
> [directory '/' imageName ]
> Mosaic(:,:,:,f) = double(imread([directory '/' imageName ]));
> end
> % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> % % Only run the following lines ones, and comment out for next runs
> %%%Here 4 corresponding point of each image set should be picked
> % HM=1;
> % for n=1:fileSize(1)-1
> % figure(n),
> % subplot(121);
> % [xIm1,yIm1] = pick4points(Mosaic(:,:,:,n)/255, 'Mosaik image no 1');
> % subplot(122);
> % [xIm2,yIm2] = pick4points(Mosaic(:,:,:,n+1)/255, 'Mosaik image no 2');
> % H=Dlt_H([xIm1 yIm1],[xIm2 yIm2])
> % HM=H*HM
> % save(['HomographyH' num2str(n)],'H')
> % save(['HomographyHM' num2str(n)],'HM')
> % end
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> %start with the first image as reference image to stich the 2nd on
> [x1,y1,z1]=size(Mosaic(:,:,:,1));
> % boundingBox=zeros(x1,y1,z1);
> % boundingBox(1:end,1:end,:)=Mosaic(:,:,:,1);
> refIm=Mosaic(:,:,:,1);
> figure(1),imshow(refIm/255),pixval on
> [xIm1,yIm1] = pick4points;
> HM=1;
> for n=1:fileSize(1)-1
> figure(n),
> figure(n+1)
> imshow(Mosaic(:,:,:,n+1)/255)
> [xIm2,yIm2] = pick4points;
> H=Dlt_H([xIm1 yIm1],[xIm2 yIm2])
> % HM=H*HM
> % save(['HomographyH' num2str(n)],'H')
> % save(['HomographyHM' num2str(n)],'HM')
> %
> % %load the corresponding homography data for each image pair
> % HomHFileName=['HomographyH' num2str(n)]
> % HomHMFileName=['HomographyHM' num2str(n)]
> % load(HomHFileName)
> % load(HomHMFileName)
> % H
> % HM
> [xBB1,yBB1,zBB1]=size(refIm)
> % boundingBox(1:xBB1,1:yBB1,:)=refIm;
> [maximum_x,minimum_x,maximum_y,minimum_y,dx,dy,MinToMaxX,MinToMaxY]=BBoxNew(refIm, Mosaic(:,:,:,n+1), inv(H));
> boundingBox=zeros(MinToMaxY,MinToMaxX,z1);
> % [xBB1,yBB1,zBB1]=size(boundingBox)
> boundingBox(dy:xBB1+dy-1,dx:yBB1+dx-1,:)=refIm;
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> I'm getting an error :
> "
> "??? Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
> Error in ==> stitchSequential at 19
> end "
> can any one help me remove the error....
> i've put the BBoxNew.m file case any one needs.......but i think BBoxNew.m
> has no errors.....the only prblm is the error mentioned above....
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> function[maximum_x,minimum_x,maximum_y,minimum_y,dx,dy,MinToMaxX,MinToMaxY]=BBoxNew(refImage,image, H12);
> [x1,y1,z1]=size(refImage);%x is the heigth y is the width
> [x2,y2,z2]=size(image);
> originalCorners=[1 1 1 ; y2 1 1 ; 1 x2 1; y2 x2 1];
> display(originalCorners);
> display(originalCorners');
> display(H12);
> display(H12');
> for k=1:4
> HCorners(:,k)=H12*originalCorners(k,:)';
> HCornersNormalized(:,k)=HCorners(:,k)/HCorners(3,k);
> end
> display(HCorners);
> display(HCornersNormalized);
> %The first row is the x values, the second row is y values
> %Dertermmination of maximum and minimum values in the rotaded image, by
> %taking maximum and minimum values of the corner values,
> maximum_x=round(max(HCornersNormalized(1,:)));%RIGHT
> minimum_x=round(min(HCornersNormalized(1,:)));%LEFT
> maximum_y=round(max(HCornersNormalized(2,:)));%bottom
> minimum_y=round(min(HCornersNormalized(2,:)));%TOP
> display(maximum_x);
> display(minimum_x);
> display(maximum_y);
> display(minimum_y);
> %The distance of coordinates between the two images
> newMinX=min([minimum_x, 0]);
> newMaxX=max([maximum_x, y1]);
> newMinY=min([minimum_y, 0]);
> newMaxY=max([maximum_y, x1]);
> %the displacement from the border of the boundingbox
> dx = max(1-minimum_x, 1)
> dy = max(1-minimum_y, 1)
> display(newMinX);
> display(newMaxX);
> display(newMinY);
> display(newMaxY);
> MinToMaxX=newMaxX-newMinX
> MinToMaxY=newMaxY-newMinY

plz ne 1 can debug the above error....
i'm new to matlab....
plz help....
From: Walter Roberson on
jatin mistry wrote:
> "jatin mistry" <jatinmistry_13(a)> wrote in message

>> for f=1:fileSize(1)
>> imageName=[fileName(f,:)]
>> [directory '/' imageName ]
>> Mosaic(:,:,:,f) = double(imread([directory '/' imageName ]));
>> end

>> I'm getting an error :
>> "
>> "??? Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
>> Error in ==> stitchSequential at 19
>> end "
>> can any one help me remove the error....

Your code assumes that every image is exactly the same size. If that is
not the case, then you would get exactly the error you mention.

If you were to store the imread result into a temporary variable, you
would then be able to use size() to determine its dimensions, and you
could then use those dimensions explicitly in the following assignment:

thisimage = double(imread([directory '/' imageName ]));
[xs, ys, zs] = size(thisimage);
Mosaic(1:xs, 1:ys, 1:zs, f) = thisimage;

This will have the effect of automatically expanding any previous images
(with 0's) if a larger image comes along.
From: jatin mistry on
Walter Roberson <roberson(a)> wrote in message <hqcmf9$ko$1(a)>...
> jatin mistry wrote:
> > "jatin mistry" <jatinmistry_13(a)> wrote in message
> >> for f=1:fileSize(1)
> >> imageName=[fileName(f,:)]
> >> [directory '/' imageName ]
> >> Mosaic(:,:,:,f) = double(imread([directory '/' imageName ]));
> >> end
> >> I'm getting an error :
> >> "
> >> "??? Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
> >>
> >> Error in ==> stitchSequential at 19
> >> end "
> >>
> >> can any one help me remove the error....
> Your code assumes that every image is exactly the same size. If that is
> not the case, then you would get exactly the error you mention.
> If you were to store the imread result into a temporary variable, you
> would then be able to use size() to determine its dimensions, and you
> could then use those dimensions explicitly in the following assignment:
> thisimage = double(imread([directory '/' imageName ]));
> [xs, ys, zs] = size(thisimage);
> Mosaic(1:xs, 1:ys, 1:zs, f) = thisimage;
> This will have the effect of automatically expanding any previous images
> (with 0's) if a larger image comes along.

i tried what u have suggested but
it still gives the same error...
??? Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.

Error in ==> stitchSequential at 19
thisimage = double(imread([directory '/' imageName ]));

plz do suggest something else....
thanks for ur reply and help. :) ....but still doesnt solve the prblm....
From: jatin mistry on
@ Walter Roberson

Hello Sir,
thank you for your valuable response but it doesn't seem to solve my

plz help...