From: Ahmad Alkandri on
hi all

how to normalize an image from 0 to 1 ?

what i'm doing is as foloows :

BG_img = imread('BG.tiff');
BGfft = fft2(BG_img);
noise_img = BGfft * (conj(BGfft));

and the to normalize the output is :

C = mat2gray(noise_img, [0 1]);

is this right ?
From: ImageAnalyst on
I don't think so.
Don't you want
noise_img = BGfft .* (conj(BGfft)); % Element by element
instead of
noise_img = BGfft * (conj(BGfft)); % Matrix multiplication.
From: Ahmad Alkandri on
what i'm trying to do here is to get the ( normilized )power spectrum density of the image ... so would i use the the element by element or matrix multiplication ?
From: ImageAnalyst on
Yes, it would be the element by element multiplication.
From: Ahmad Alkandri on
how would i normalize the result to be between 0 and 1 ?