From: helena on
1) i m having prob displaying the image acquired by the webcam using a pushbutton in GUI. i m not sure what callback or which handles to be used and m using the guide GUI. although i am able to work the button, but still getting errors for the push button.

2) also having problem to read acquired rgb image to perform further processing like edge detection. it says that the format is unknown, and that it only reads 2D.

3)user of GUI is to enter a char in edit text,
user_string = get(hObject,'String');
which is to be used by another pushbutton,
string = get(handles.edit7,'UserData');
BW1 = imread('string');
i have tried using the info in help, but its not working. what could be the mistake?
From: ImageAnalyst on
In #3, don't put single quotes around the variable string. That means
that it is literally going to be 'string' instead of what the user
typed. Even better, don't use the UserData at all, just get the
string directly in the other pushbutton callback:

userString = get(handles.edit7, 'string');
BW1 = imread(userString);

And if you're not going to use fullfile() then you'd better make sure
that the image is in the current folder, or on the search path,
otherwise imread will not find the file.