From: PinkLab on
thanks for the hint but its doesnt really help. i am trying to apply the filter on image
From: ImageAnalyst on
On Apr 7, 11:05 am, "PinkLab " <pink...(a)> wrote:
> thanks for the hint but its doesnt really help. i am trying to apply the filter on image

(Sound of hand slapping forehead) It's too bad neither the help nor I
could help you. I thought this 4 line example in the help (which
applied the filter to the image) was extremely simple and easy to
I = imread('eight.tif');
J = imnoise(I,'salt & pepper',0.02);
K = medfilt2(J);
imshow(J), figure, imshow(K)

Perhaps if you called the Mathworks they could explain the lines to
you in much more detail and solve your bewilderment most directly,
because I still don't know how you're confused, despite the abundance
of detailed information you're supplying.