From: Joanne McCullen on 13 Mar 2010 13:22 Thank you for making it clear. As you probably realized, I'm comparing some denoising algorithms, so I wouldn't want to accidentally denoise the image by doing some scaling (and/or clipping) operations on it! However, if I do the same scaling operations on all noisy images I should be able to evaluate the algorithms' performance objectively all the same, I think...
From: ImageAnalyst on 13 Mar 2010 14:23 Joanne McCullen: Well then just cast all your images to double, divide by 255 (because MATLAB usually wants floating point images to be in the range of 0-1, and then do all your noise adding, denoising, and comparing on the floating point images. You can leave it in the range of 0-1 if you want, or multiply by 255 to get it back to the original range. But do all your comparisons on the floating point images. Don't cast it back to integer unless you need to save to a disk file. MATLAB can display floating point images just fine, just be sure to use the [] option in imshow to autoscaled each image independently to 0-255 so you can see it. imshow(doubleArray, []); % Display a double image in the range of 0-1.
From: Joanne McCullen on 13 Mar 2010 16:53 Ok then, I will compare all algorithms on 0..1 range. I didn't know images within this range could be displayed by Matlab, so thank you for pointing that out for me. In fact, thank you for all your help, already I'm seeing some results.
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