From: Karpenko Alexey on
Hi. Im newbie in Mathematica Product. I need to draw graph of implicit function. Implicit function have integral,and argument in lower case of it.
How can i do this in Mathematica 7.0?

and general equation is (implicit function for t1):

b in [0,1], t in [0, pi/2]
sorry 4 my bad english.
thank you.
With best regards, Karpenko Alexey.

From: Daniel Lichtblau on
Karpenko Alexey wrote:
> Hi. Im newbie in Mathematica Product. I need to draw graph of implicit function. Implicit function have integral,and argument in lower case of it.
> How can i do this in Mathematica 7.0?
> functions:
> x(b,t)=(sqrt(3)-sqrt(3-2b^2*sin^2(t)))/(sqrt(3)+sqrt(3-2b^2*sin^2(t)))
> Phi(x(b,t))=(1+x)^3*(1-x)*e^(-x)
> and general equation is (implicit function for t1):
> integral_t1^pi/2{Phi(x(b,t))*sin(t)dt}=1/2*integral_0^pi/2{Phi(x(b,t))*sin(t)dt}
> b in [0,1], t in [0, pi/2]
> sorry 4 my bad english.
> thank you.
> With best regards, Karpenko Alexey.

Your function also depends on the value of b, so you will need to take
that into account. Below is one way to go about this. Notice that I
restrict definitions to evaluate only when passed explicitly numeric
values, so that you avoid a slew of useless messages, and wasted cycles,
from attempts to evaluate numeric functions (such as NIntegrate and
FindRoot) on symbolic values.

x[b_?NumberQ,t_?NumberQ] :=

phi[x_] := (1+x)^3*(1-x)*E^(-x)

myInt[b_?NumberQ, t1_?NumberQ] :=
NIntegrate[phi[x[b,t]]*Sin[t], {t,t1,Pi/2}]

impfunc[b_?NumberQ] := t1 /.
FindRoot[myInt[b,t1] == myInt[b,0]/2, {t1,Pi/4}]

In[15]:= Table[impfunc[b], {b,0.,1.,1/16}]

Out[15]= {1.0472, 1.04729, 1.04757, 1.04804, 1.0487, 1.04954,
1.05056, 1.05176, 1.05313, 1.05466, 1.05632, 1.05809,
1.05991, 1.06169, 1.06328, 1.06438, 1.06444}

Daniel Lichtblau
Wolfram Research

From: cinnabar on
Hello, Alexey!

The first and most simple way to do this that came to my mind is:

x[b_, t_] = (Sqrt[3] - Sqrt[(3 - 2 b^2*Sin[t]^2)])/(Sqrt[3] +
Sqrt[(3 - 2 b^2*Sin[t]^2)]);
Phi[x1_] = (1 + x1)^3 (1 - x1) Exp[-x1];

And then just plot the equation line with ContourPlot. Note that
NIntegrate is used to avoid computing integral in analytic form:

NIntegrate[(Phi[x[b, tt]] Sin[tt]), {tt, t1, Pi/2}] ==
1/2 NIntegrate[(Phi[x[b, tt]] Sin[tt]), {tt, 0, Pi/2}],
{b, 0, 1}, {t1, 0, Pi/2}, MaxRecursion -> 10]

ContourPlot can be used intrinsically to plot equations, as you can
see in help section on this function. Mathematica 7 has nice
Documentation Center, which is strongly suggested to read when a
question arises on a function definition, arguments, etc. It has a lot
of examples too and many-many guidelines, tutorials, demos etc.

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