From: Adhi on

i have an input matrix given from image and they have been normalized so the range is [-1 1]. i want to put that matrix to FIS membership function definitions. How to do that?

From: Adhi on
i am waiting and no one seems want to help me so i write my problem again, i wish this time i got an answer..
I am confuse with the FIS,
this is for example:
a = newfis('sgfis');
a = addvar(a,'input','p-q',[-1 1]); %this is the problem
a = addmf(a,'input',1,'ns','trapmf',[-2 -1.5 -0.2 0]);
a = addmf(a,'input',1,'ps','trimf',[0 0.15 0.35]);
a = addvar(a,'input','m-n',[-1 1]);
a = addmf(a,'input',2,'ns','trapmf',[-2 -1.5 -0.1 0]);
a = addmf(a,'input',2,'ps','trimf',[0 0.075 0.15]);
a = addvar(a,'output',1,'pf',[0 1]);
a = addmf(a,'output',1,'lo','trapmf',[-2 -1.5 0.07 0.1]); %this is the problem too
%then i put the rules
rulelist = [
1 1 2 1 1 1
1 1 2 2 1 1
1 1 2 3 1 1
bla..bla..bla ]
a = addrule(a,rulelist);

My Question:
1. how to add my input matrix to that code? since the x-axis of addvar function is a vector not an input variable,
2. how to generate output in that code? after we define the output with addvar and we choose the type 'trapmf' manually, Do we still have to define the parameter manually or its automatically created by the input and the rules?

please someone help me!!!