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From: landon donovan on 15 Apr 2010 16:15 I have the next code: clear all close all clc format long mu=linspace(-3,0,600); n=3000; X=[]; B=[]; XX=[]; BB=[]; plot([-exp(1),-exp(1)],[0, -1],'--r'); hold on; plot([-exp(1), 0],[-1, -1],'--r'); hold on; for i=1:length(mu) x0=-exp(1)-0.5; X=[]; for j=1:n x0=mu(i)*exp(x0); X=[X,x0]; Y=mu(i)*ones(1,n); end B=[B,Y]; X(1:length(X)-100)=[]; XX=[XX,X]; B(1:length(B)-100)=[]; BB=[BB,B]; end plot(BB,XX,'.k','markersize',2) for the XX and BB arrays, matlab says that I should consider preallocating for speed, but how can I make this when Im using the horzcat function?
From: Matt Fig on 15 Apr 2010 18:14 Concatenation array-building in MATLAB is a VERY good way to slow down your code. Follow M-Lint's suggestions! The code below runs in .25 seconds and produces the same graph your code makes in 18 seconds. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% m = 600; mu = linspace(-3,0,m); n = 3000; XX = zeros(100,m); BB = XX; X = zeros(1,n); plot([-exp(1),-exp(1)],[0, -1],'--r'); hold on; plot([-exp(1), 0],[-1, -1],'--r'); for ii=1:length(mu) x0 = -exp(1)-0.5; for jj=1:n x0 = mu(ii)*exp(x0); X(jj) = x0; end XX(:,ii) = X((n-99):n); BB(:,ii) = mu(ii)*ones(1,100); end plot(BB(:).',XX(:)','.k','markersize',2) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Note that this could be improved even more. BB can be made with one call to BSXFUN, for example. I believe the XX variable can be made in a vectorized fashion as well, though I don't have time to attempt it now.
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