From: JCH on

"Fred Marshall" <fmarshallx(a)> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> fisico32 wrote:
>> Hello forum,
>> if a time-invariant (zero memory) nonlinear filter is fed with a delta
>> impulse, it will output a certain output. That output will be the same no
>> matter when the impulse is applied due to
>> time invariance....
>> Superposition (convolution) is not valid for nonlinear system.
>> Is there however some generalized impulse response concept for nonlinear
>> systems?
>> After all, nonlinear system are locally linear....
> You haven't really revealed your motivation so it's hard to be helpful
> without guessing. Impulses as inputs aren't usually real, thus not very
> interesting in practice - aside from all the nice analytical stuff you
> might do.
> The one thing that intrigued me long ago, and that I used very usefully,
> was the notion of "describing functions" for nonlinear system analysis and
> controls designs. You could look it up. More modern methods may apply
> but I can't help much with that. The idea is that it linearizes the
> nonlinear system for analysis purposes - based more on a lowpass
> assumption of the system rather than "local" linearities I believe.

One has a good chance for linearizing non-linear systems.




From: maury on
On Jun 25, 11:26 am, "fisico32" <marcoscipioni1(a)>
> Hello forum,
> if a time-invariant (zero memory) nonlinear filter is fed with a delta
> impulse, it will output a certain output.
> That output will be the same no matter when the impulse is applied due to
> time invariance....
> Superposition (convolution) is not valid  for nonlinear system.
> Is there however some generalized impulse response concept for nonlinear
> systems?
> After all, nonlinear system are locally linear....

The accepted _generalized_ impulse response _concept_ is the Volterra
kernel. Look for work by Stephen Boyd of Stanford Univ. Some work on
Volterra kernels has been done lately, but Boyd's work is quite

Maurice Givens