From: michael scheinfeild on
i try check if point inside polygon using sum of all angles inside ... =0
it not work in all case some idea
here is the code

xy=[ 0.3 0.4
0.3 0.6
0.5 0.6
0.5 0.4
%0.3 0.4 i try to put first point duplicate it not help

m=[0.4 0.5];
alpha1=(180/pi)*(atan2((my-y),(mx-x))); % i try atan not help

disp('in polygon')


disp('in polygon')

figure(1),plot(x,y,'ro');hold on;line([x ],[y ]);plot(mx,my,'ks');
From: Matt J on
"michael scheinfeild" <yomholedet(a)> wrote in message <hluo75$lus$1(a)>...
> i try check if point inside polygon using sum of all angles inside ... =0
> it not work in all case some idea
> here is the code
> ===========

Here's a better way. Note the example in the help section:

function [A,b]=vert2con_special(a)
%Finds the expression of a 2D polygon as a set of linear inequalities from
%a set of vertices
% [A,b]=vert2con_special(a)
% a: Nx2 matrix whos rows are polygon vertex coordinates. The rows must
% must be ordered so that adjacent rows correspond to adjacent vertices
% (which will trivially be the case for triangles).
% [A,b]: Nx1 vector and Nx2 matrix such that A*x<=b if and only if x is a point
% inside the polygon
%Example: Detect whether a point is in a triangle
% %%%data
% Vertices=[0 0; 1 0; 0 1]; %vertices of a triangle
% p1=[.5;.25]; %a point inside the triangle
% p2=[.5;-.25];%a point outside the triangle
% [A,b]=vert2con_special(Vertices);
% >>all(A*p1<=b) %Test if p1 is in the triangle.
% ans =
% 1
% >>all(A*p2<=b) %Test if p2 in the triangle.
% ans =
% 0

R=[0 1; -1 0];




From: ImageAnalyst on
Or, simply use the built-in function "inpolygon()."

Michael - I'm not sure if you had a question or you were just posting
some code that you think might help others, despite not working in all
the cases.
From: Matt J on
ImageAnalyst <imageanalyst(a)> wrote in message <d0b52e1d-dfdf-4294-b3b4-7d51075f29e7(a)>...
> Or, simply use the built-in function "inpolygon()."

One could use inpolygon(), but it has been observed in other posts that inpolygon is sub-optimal in terms of speed, because it has a lot of overhead designed to make it applicable to both convex and non-convex polygons. So, if this is going to be speed-critical code, that should be kept in mind.
From: michael scheinfeild on
"Matt J " <mattjacREMOVE(a)THISieee.spam> wrote in message <hlut4k$jot$1(a)>...
> ImageAnalyst <imageanalyst(a)> wrote in message <d0b52e1d-dfdf-4294-b3b4-7d51075f29e7(a)>...
> > Or, simply use the built-in function "inpolygon()."
> =====
> One could use inpolygon(), but it has been observed in other posts that inpolygon is sub-optimal in terms of speed, because it has a lot of overhead designed to make it applicable to both convex and non-convex polygons. So, if this is going to be speed-critical code, that should be kept in mind.

thanks i just wanted nother way of computing the inpolygon using the internal angles.
also what is the theory of ax=b (i know least squares) with relation to point in polygon what is the mean of a,b matrices