From: us on
On Mar 29, 5:12 pm, "andrew Min Wei" <andrewli...(a)> wrote:
> actually my data in excel ranging from the row 2 to 112 and from the column 10 to 12 ONLY. Means that the in the previous column, i do not have any numerical numbers or data in the excel this making all the problem?

it depends: which output arg do you look at(?)...

From: andrew Min Wei on
Cause I'm developing the signature verification system, the data consists of X coordinate (column 10), Y coordinate (column 11) and Pressure (column 12). Each of the outputs have 112 rows of data for the andrew1.xlsm file. So now i'm having problems on getting the data from these specific ranges inside the excel file
From: andrew Min Wei on
Cause I'm developing the signature verification system, the data consists of X coordinate (column 10), Y coordinate (column 11) and Pressure (column 12). Each of the outputs have 112 rows of data for the andrew1.xlsm file. So now i'm having problems on getting the data from these specific ranges inside the excel file