From: venkat on 11 Nov 2009 07:29 I have a class as: classdef classA properties string enable fontsize end methods function obj = classA(varargin) p=inputParser; p.addParamValue('string', 'New String', @ischar); p.addParamValue('enable', true, @islogical); p.addParamValue('fontsize', 10, @isnumeric); p.parse(varargin{:}); obj.string = p.Results.string; obj.enable = p.Results.enable; obj.fontsize = p.Results.fontsize; end end end This works: obj1 = classA('string', 'hai') but I wiould like to also use: obj2 = classA('str', 'hai') or obj3 = classA('stri', 'hai') i.e using short form of parser parameters I want to run my class. Using 'str' or 'stri' or 'strin' etc must work as similar to using 'string' in the arguments. Can any one suggest me on this?? (like uicontrol('str', 'hello', 'pos', [10 10 50 20]))
From: venkat on 11 Nov 2009 09:00 something like we can use uicontrol('string', 'hello', 'position', [10 10 50 20], 'units', 'pixels') or uicontrol('str', 'hello', 'pos', [10 10 50 20], 'uni', 'pixels') so in the similar way I want to have the parsing thanks in advance!!
From: venkat on 11 Nov 2009 09:01 something like we can use uicontrol('string', 'hello', 'position', [10 10 50 20], 'units', 'pixels') or uicontrol('str', 'hello', 'pos', [10 10 50 20], 'uni', 'pixels') so in the similar way I want to have the parsing in the above class thanks in advance!!
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