From: Lib on 15 Apr 2010 04:23 Hi, I'm new to matlab and would like to do something that I think is pretty straight forward using interp3. I have an array with dimensions x, y, z and I want to interpolate the grid xy onto a finer z axis. Then I want to extract one grid xy but it will be made up of small parts of all the z points. In reality z is UTC time in minutes covering 24 hours. y is the longitude and I want a xy that corresponds to a single local time. So for each z UTC time I search along the longitude for the local time that I want and then extract the sliver. In the end I should get an xy array with a common local time across the globe - if interp3 works but it doesn't. Here's my code: hours = [0:3:21]; mins = [0:4.5:24*60-1]; % My initial array ciwp has dimensions x,y,z with z having the utc times [0:3:21] % Create a finer z that matches the longitude resolution (24*60)/320, where 320 is the number of longitude points [xi,yi,zi] = meshgrid(lat,lon,[0:4.5:24*60-1]); [x,y,z] = meshgrid(lat,lon,[0:3:21]); % Checked to see that xi, yi and zi have the right dimensions that I require: % x,y,z have dimensions of ciwp and xi,yi,zi have the dimensions of the finer z axis ZI = interp3(x,y,z,ciwp,xi,yi,zi,'linear'); % Create two array for local time 13.5 and 01.5 darr = zeros(size(ciwp,1),size(ciwp,2)); narr = zeros(size(ciwp,1),size(ciwp,2)); j = 1; for i = mins if (i > 60) hr = floor(i/60); mns = (i/60 - floor(i/60))*60; else hr = 0; mns = i; end % Convert 1 utc to local time for all longitude points and search for desired times lst = mod(hr+mns/60+(0+0)/60/60+lon/15.0,24.0); pos = abs(lst-13.5); ind = find(pos == min(pos)); pos = abs(lst-01.5); inn = find(pos == min(pos)); %fprintf('Hour: %d mins: %f lon: %f lst: %f ind: %d \n',hr,mns,lon(ind),lst(ind),ind); darr(ind,:) = ZI(ind,:,j); narr(inn,:) = ZI(inn,:,j); j = j + 1; end imagesc(darr') ***** This image shows only a sliver and the rest 0. Further examination of ZI revealed that interp3 didn't produce a xy array for the newer grid zi. I don't understand why. the examples the documentation works and this is no different except that my array is larger. But then again, I'm new to matlab. Any help is greatly appreciated! /Lib
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