From: Young Ryu on
I'd like to replace NaN by using linear interpolation in the below example. Could you recommend fast way as I am dealing very large data actually.

A=[1 2 3 NaN 5 NaN 5 4 6];

I tried this:
A1=interp1(ind(~isnan(A)), A(~isnan(A)), ind, 'linear');

However, I need faster way.

Thank you!
From: us on
"Young Ryu" <ryuyr77(a)> wrote in message <i3dkg4$lus$1(a)>...
> I'd like to replace NaN by using linear interpolation in the below example. Could you recommend fast way as I am dealing very large data actually.
> A=[1 2 3 NaN 5 NaN 5 4 6];
> I tried this:
> ind=1:length(A);
> A1=interp1(ind(~isnan(A)), A(~isnan(A)), ind, 'linear');
> However, I need faster way.
> Thank you!

one of the solutions

ix=~isnan(A); % <- compute the logical array once...

From: TideMan on
On Aug 5, 6:08 pm, "Young Ryu" <ryuy...(a)> wrote:
> I'd like to replace NaN by using linear interpolation in the below example. Could you recommend fast way as I am dealing very large data actually.
> A=[1 2 3 NaN 5 NaN 5 4 6];
> I tried this:
> ind=1:length(A);
> A1=interp1(ind(~isnan(A)), A(~isnan(A)), ind, 'linear');
> However, I need faster way.
> Thank you!

Here's a very elegant routine that is part of the (free) tidal
analysis toolbox t_tide:

function y=fixgaps(x);
% FIXGAPS Linearly interpolates gaps in a time series
% YOUT=FIXGAPS(YIN) linearly interpolates over NaN
% in the input time series (may be complex), but ignores
% trailing and leading NaN.

% R. Pawlowicz 6/Nov/99



bd([1:(min(gd)-1) (max(gd)+1):end])=0;

From: Greg Heath on
On Aug 5, 2:08 am, "Young Ryu" <ryuy...(a)> wrote:
> I'd like to replace NaN by using linear interpolation in the below example. Could you recommend fast way as I am dealing very large data actually.
> A=[1 2 3 NaN 5 NaN 5 4 6];
> I tried this:
> ind=1:length(A);
> A1=interp1(ind(~isnan(A)), A(~isnan(A)), ind, 'linear');

As us has indicated, if A is long only compute ~isnan(A)

However, if the gaps are long, you might consider linear
prediction instead of linear interpolation.

Hope this helps.

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