From: Oliver Woodford on
"Naor Movshovitz" wrote:
> Maybe I'm being too anal, but I love the 'latex' option for text annotations: not only more options but also better looking figures. But any text object in the figure with 'interpreter' set to 'latex' and the exported eps file has no automaticaly set bounding box, which makes it very hard to import into a latex document. Can anyone think of a workaround?
> Thanks,
> -naor (R2006a, win32xp)

Dear Naor

Did you find a solution to this (other than printing to pdf rather than eps)? Did the problem disappear with a later version of MATLAB?

From: Rune Allnor on
On 12 apr, 18:32, "Oliver Woodford" <o.j.woodford...(a)>
> "Naor Movshovitz" wrote:
> > Maybe I'm being too anal, but I love the 'latex' option for text annotations: not only more options but also better looking figures. But any text object in the figure with 'interpreter' set to 'latex' and the exported eps file has no automaticaly set bounding box, which makes it very hard to import into a latex document. Can anyone think of a workaround?
> > Thanks,
> > -naor (R2006a, win32xp)
> Dear Naor
> Did you find a solution to this (other than printing to pdf rather than eps)? Did the problem disappear with a later version of MATLAB?

This is a known bug in the utility EPS2PDF in the LaTeX bundle.
Somebody tested a recent version of EPS2PDF not too long ago,
to find that the bug is fixed.

However, if you do want LaTeX fonts in figures exported to
LaTeX, print directly to PDF from matlab, and use pdfLaTeX
to generate the document. You will probably have to manually
set the figure sizes, something like

