From: Ilya Narsky on
Michalis wrote:
> Hi, I am trying to get confident intervals for a vector of coefficients
> using BCa. I found that bootci can do this work but only if the function
> handle returns a scalar.
> I use least squares to find the coefficients from the eq.: @coeff =(y)
> pinv(H)*y where H is a matrix and y is a vector that need to be
> bootstraped.
> I looked at the description of the function where in 2nd paragraph it
> explains the results if the f. handle returns vectors etc but in matlab
> R2008b I run it it gets error and if I type ''help bootci'' that
> paragraph is miising.
> Thanks in advance

BOOTCI can handle BOOTFUN's returning arrays now; this option was added
for 10a. Prior to 10a, you have to work with scalar-output function
handles. -Ilya