From: Mario Schulz on

as one part to solve my problems with 5333er i will get rid of any
globals in my app.. so i put the MainWindow ( Shellwindow) as a Protect
in my app object an declare an access to it.. in my source i use it as
follows :

METHOD TerminKunde() CLASS dw_Rechnungen
LOCAL oApp AS conceptApp

oApp := GetconceptApp()


But if i understand the gc it kicks all unused locals sometimes... if
the window "dw_terminkalender" still alive and the user lets say edid a
long time in that window will the gc kicks the local oApp ?? And end
again in a 5333er ?

thanks for help,

From: richard.townsendrose on

the best way to get hold of these is via the SysObject()

in the shell window class
EXPORT lDataCheckOk AS LOGIC // logging on

in the shell window init()
SysObject(SELF) // CAL 051001

then you just access your variables like this

but we go one step further
we have user specific settings - like local directories, screen colors
these are stored in an ini file - could be the registry

we have Categories for things like names for forms
these are stored in a table

and of course we have parameters
these are also stored in a table

PROTECT Categories AS Categories
PROTECT Params AS Params

so these are initailised and stored in an object, which are then
accessed via a call to SYSOBJECT():GetParam(A_DEFINED_PARAMETER)


and very extensible

From: Mathias on
Hi Mario,

the GC only collects objects that have no references pointing to them.
The application object always has a reference pointing to it. The
local variable (oApp) however goes out of scope when execution leaves
this method. The App object continues to live and is not collected.

Your sample looks a little bit strange howoever. Is oApp:MainWindow a
StandardShellWindow? Who is the owner of dw_Rechnungen?
StandardShellWindow? In that case you don't have to use the App object
to get access to the shell window! Using self:owner would then be a
much easier solution.


On 31 Maj, 10:50, Mario Schulz <i...(a)>
> Hi,
> as one part to solve my problems with 5333er i will get rid of any
> globals in my app.. so i put the MainWindow ( Shellwindow) as a Protect
> in my app object an declare an access to it.. in my source i use it as
> follows :
> METHOD TerminKunde() CLASS dw_Rechnungen
>         LOCAL oApp              AS conceptApp
>         oApp := GetconceptApp()
>         dw_Terminkalender_WV{oApp:MainWindow,,,{"KUNDE",
> SELF:Server:Kunde}}:Show()      
> But if i understand the gc it kicks all unused locals sometimes... if
> the window "dw_terminkalender" still alive and the user lets say edid a
> long time in that window will the gc kicks the local oApp ?? And end
> again in a 5333er ?
> thanks for help,
> Mario

From: Carlos Rocha on
Hi Mario,

I recently had a deep issue with 5333 and nothing seemed to work.
The 5333 happens when the program tries to access something that doesn't
exist, and in my case was in a class wrapper for a COM object, where I
added an export to refer another COM object, like in

class oMyCom as MyCom
export oCom as IAnotherCom

method Init(oOwner) class MyCom
oCom := self:AnotherCom
return self

This was done for speed reasons. The solution is to declare oCom as a
local when it is needed. No more 5333 now.
Hope this hepls

> Hi,
> as one part to solve my problems with 5333er i will get rid of any
> globals in my app.. so i put the MainWindow ( Shellwindow) as a
> Protect in my app object an declare an access to it.. in my source i
> use it as follows :
> METHOD TerminKunde() CLASS dw_Rechnungen
> LOCAL oApp AS conceptApp
> oApp := GetconceptApp()
> dw_Terminkalender_WV{oApp:MainWindow,,,{"KUNDE",
> SELF:Server:Kunde}}:Show()
> But if i understand the gc it kicks all unused locals sometimes... if
> the window "dw_terminkalender" still alive and the user lets say edid
> a long time in that window will the gc kicks the local oApp ?? And end
> again in a 5333er ?
> thanks for help,
> Mario

Carlos Rocha
From: Geoff Schaller on

There is no problem with this code and it is safe... but I would still
prefer to NEVER use compound statements like that, even though they
work. Here is what I suggest:

METHOD TerminKunde() CLASS dw_Rechnungen

LOCAL oApp AS conceptApp
LOCAL oWin AS dw_Terminkalender
LOCAL oSer AS WhatEverClass
LOCAL oWin as MainWindowClass

oApp := GetconceptApp()
oSer := SELF:Server
cKunde := oServer:Kunde
oWin := oApp:MainWindow

oWin := dw_Terminkalender_WV{oWin,,,{"KUNDE", cKunde}}


The reason? Well any error in the above code (server, owner or window
caused) will only ever yield line 6 - and then do you look to the window
class, the server class or what? The second reason for doing this is
that if you now want to do some debugging, you can check values along
the way before your original line 6 was executed. This code, even though
it is more lines, can be stepped into properly. Thirdly, you can now
insert code to handle potential errors such as the server is closed or
Kunde is empty, etc. before the window is launched.


"Mario Schulz" <info(a)> wrote in message

> Hi,
> as one part to solve my problems with 5333er i will get rid of any
> globals in my app.. so i put the MainWindow ( Shellwindow) as a Protect
> in my app object an declare an access to it.. in my source i use it as
> follows :
> METHOD TerminKunde() CLASS dw_Rechnungen
> LOCAL oApp AS conceptApp
> oApp := GetconceptApp()
> dw_Terminkalender_WV{oApp:MainWindow,,,{"KUNDE",
> SELF:Server:Kunde}}:Show()
> But if i understand the gc it kicks all unused locals sometimes... if
> the window "dw_terminkalender" still alive and the user lets say edid a
> long time in that window will the gc kicks the local oApp ?? And end
> again in a 5333er ?
> thanks for help,
> Mario