From: Chad on

I used to have this line of code:

D(~isfinite(D)) = 0;

However, as the size of D has grown, I've had to go to sparse D. As a result, isfinite(D) returns an out-of-memory error. I could do something like:


% lots-of-stuff

for a=1:N*M;
if ~isfinite(D(a))

But then I get the error "FOR loop index is too large. Truncating to 2147483647. "

Any clever suggestions of built in commands I'm unaware of?

From: Matt J on
"Chad " <parishcm(a)> wrote in message <ho887g$kmr$1(a)>...
> Greetings,
> I used to have this line of code:
> D(~isfinite(D)) = 0;
> However, as the size of D has grown, I've had to go to sparse D. As a result, isfinite(D) returns an out-of-memory error. I could do something like:

You could try something like this

idx=spfun(@(x) ~isfinite(x), D);

Beware, however, that linear and logical indexing of large sparse matrices are vulnerable to certain bugs (as of R2009b). You might therefore want to use my RobustSparse data types instead

or else use Bruno's tools on which this is based,
From: James Tursa on
"Chad " <parishcm(a)> wrote in message <ho887g$kmr$1(a)>...
> Greetings,
> I used to have this line of code:
> D(~isfinite(D)) = 0;
> However, as the size of D has grown, I've had to go to sparse D. As a result, isfinite(D) returns an out-of-memory error. I could do something like:
> D=sparse(N,M);
> % lots-of-stuff
> for a=1:N*M;
> if ~isfinite(D(a))
> D(a)=0;
> end
> end
> But then I get the error "FOR loop index is too large. Truncating to 2147483647. "
> Any clever suggestions of built in commands I'm unaware of?
> Thanks

It would be fairly easy (and execute very fast) to implement this in a C mex routine. I can probably whip something up today and post it. Is your D always real or is it possibly complex?

James Tursa
From: Chad on
Matt J,

Thank you for the suggestions, I will look into their possible implementations.

James Tursa,

Thank you for the offer! I hate to impose upon someones else's time, but if you're willing to do so, I'd be happy for your help. Real numbers, always.
From: Bruno Luong on
"Matt J " <mattjacREMOVE(a)THISieee.spam> wrote in message <ho8aq0$3cv$1(a)>...
> "Chad " <parishcm(a)> wrote in message <ho887g$kmr$1(a)>...
> > Greetings,
> >
> > I used to have this line of code:
> >
> > D(~isfinite(D)) = 0;
> >
> > However, as the size of D has grown, I've had to go to sparse D. As a result, isfinite(D) returns an out-of-memory error. I could do something like:
> ===========
> You could try something like this
> idx=spfun(@(x) ~isfinite(x), D);
> D(idx)=0;
> Beware, however, that linear and logical indexing of large sparse matrices are vulnerable to certain bugs (as of R2009b). You might therefore want to use my RobustSparse data types instead

Indeed, the bug is still not fixed in 2010A:

>> D=sparse(1e5,1e5,Inf)

D =

(100000,100000) Inf

>> D(isinf(D))=0

D =

(100000,100000) Inf

>> D=rsparse(D) % Matt's robust sparse


(100000,100000) Inf

>> D(isinf(D))=0 % OK


All zero sparse: 100000-by-100000

>> D=sparse(D) % convert to Matlab sparse if wanted

D =

All zero sparse: 100000-by-100000

% Bruno