From: tan on
hi, everyone:
I have a problem about the paralle computing when using parallel computing box. I want to combine the matlab with the HFSS to solve a problem, but I find it can't work when i call the HFSS in one cluster. The program belows:

>function a=vbs(i)
>hfssExecuteScript('C:\"Program Files"\Ansoft\HFSS10\hfss.exe','Y:\pipi.vbs',false,true);

When i run this program, the HFSS would open, but never open the pipi.vbs ,why ? where is the problem??? just help me ,thank you !!
From: Edric M Ellis on
"tan " <tgn0825(a)> writes:

> I have a problem about the paralle computing when using parallel
> computing box. I want to combine the matlab with the HFSS to solve a
> problem, but I find it can't work when i call the HFSS in one
> cluster. The program belows:


> [...]

>>function a=vbs(i)
>>hfssExecuteScript('C:\"Program Files"\Ansoft\HFSS10\hfss.exe','Y:\pipi.vbs',false,true);
> When i run this program, the HFSS would open, but never open the
> pipi.vbs ,why ? where is the problem??? just help me ,thank you !!

I think the problem is that you're using the jobmanager and trying to
access "pipi.vbs" using a mapped drive-letter. MDCS workers can't see
your drive letter mappings. It should work if you provide a UNC path
such as


(We have an undocumented function that can do this mapping for you,
dctReplaceDriveWithUNCPath('y:\pipi.vbs') that you must run on your
MATLAB client (not on the cluster) - but please be aware of the usual
caveats about undocumented stuff - we might choose to
remove/change/rename it without notice)


From: tan on
Edric M Ellis <eellis(a)> wrote in message <ytw634j5ilr.fsf(a)>...
> "tan " <tgn0825(a)> writes:
> > I have a problem about the paralle computing when using parallel
> > computing box. I want to combine the matlab with the HFSS to solve a
> > problem, but I find it can't work when i call the HFSS in one
> > cluster. The program belows:
> >>jm=findResource('scheduler','type','jobmanager','name','isaac','LookupURL','');
> > [...]
> >>function a=vbs(i)
> >>hfssExecuteScript('C:\"Program Files"\Ansoft\HFSS10\hfss.exe','Y:\pipi.vbs',false,true);
> >>i=i-1;
> >>a=i;
> >
> > When i run this program, the HFSS would open, but never open the
> > pipi.vbs ,why ? where is the problem??? just help me ,thank you !!
> I think the problem is that you're using the jobmanager and trying to
> access "pipi.vbs" using a mapped drive-letter. MDCS workers can't see
> your drive letter mappings. It should work if you provide a UNC path
> such as
> \\server-name\path\to\pipi.vbs
> (We have an undocumented function that can do this mapping for you,
> dctReplaceDriveWithUNCPath('y:\pipi.vbs') that you must run on your
> MATLAB client (not on the cluster) - but please be aware of the usual
> caveats about undocumented stuff - we might choose to
> remove/change/rename it without notice)
> Cheers,
> Edric.

thank you, Edric. but i have set the path of mapped drive before i run the program. and i am sure that the path of "pipi.vbs" have been set and mapped. when i don't use the mdce, and input the following in matlab command window:
>hfssExecuteScript('C:\"Program Files"\Ansoft\HFSS10\hfss.exe','Y:\pipi.vbs',false,true);
it can run pipi.vbs,and that indicats there is no problem about the path of pipi.vbs.
I hope you can help me, i am tired about this. thank you again.
From: tan on
"tan " <tgn0825(a)> wrote in message <hoskr6$lk$1(a)>...
> Edric M Ellis <eellis(a)> wrote in message <ytw634j5ilr.fsf(a)>...
> > "tan " <tgn0825(a)> writes:
> >
> > > I have a problem about the paralle computing when using parallel
> > > computing box. I want to combine the matlab with the HFSS to solve a
> > > problem, but I find it can't work when i call the HFSS in one
> > > cluster. The program belows:
> >
> > >>jm=findResource('scheduler','type','jobmanager','name','isaac','LookupURL','');
> >
> > > [...]
> >
> > >>function a=vbs(i)
> > >>hfssExecuteScript('C:\"Program Files"\Ansoft\HFSS10\hfss.exe','Y:\pipi.vbs',false,true);
> > >>i=i-1;
> > >>a=i;
> > >
> > > When i run this program, the HFSS would open, but never open the
> > > pipi.vbs ,why ? where is the problem??? just help me ,thank you !!
> >
> > I think the problem is that you're using the jobmanager and trying to
> > access "pipi.vbs" using a mapped drive-letter. MDCS workers can't see
> > your drive letter mappings. It should work if you provide a UNC path
> > such as
> >
> > \\server-name\path\to\pipi.vbs
> >
> > (We have an undocumented function that can do this mapping for you,
> > dctReplaceDriveWithUNCPath('y:\pipi.vbs') that you must run on your
> > MATLAB client (not on the cluster) - but please be aware of the usual
> > caveats about undocumented stuff - we might choose to
> > remove/change/rename it without notice)
> >
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Edric.
> thank you, Edric. but i have set the path of mapped drive before i run the program. and i am sure that the path of "pipi.vbs" have been set and mapped. when i don't use the mdce, and input the following in matlab command window:
> >hfssExecuteScript('C:\"Program Files"\Ansoft\HFSS10\hfss.exe','Y:\pipi.vbs',false,true);
> it can run pipi.vbs,and that indicats there is no problem about the path of pipi.vbs.
> I hope you can help me, i am tired about this. thank you again.

I am sorry about the reply to your answer. you are right:"MDCS workers can't see
your drive letter mappings. It should work if you provide a UNC path". and now i have solve this problem ,thank you Edric,my friend.
From: tan on
first,thank you for your answer. Now I want to start a worker on a remote claster,and on that claster i want to start the hfss, how to do that ?? I use the UNC path,but how to define the path of the hfss.exe??
>hfssExecuteScript('C:\"Program Files"\Ansoft\HFSS10\hfss.exe','\\Isaac\ceshi\pipi.vbs',false,true);