From: Bruno Luong on 6 Apr 2010 17:58 I0=['00' ;'01'; '10'; '11']; [I J]=ndgrid(1:length(I0)); [I0(I(:),:) I0(J(:),:)] ans = 0000 0100 1000 1100 0001 0101 1001 1101 0010 0110 1010 1110 0011 0111 1011 1111 % Bruno
From: Nathan on 6 Apr 2010 18:03 On Apr 6, 2:29 pm, "Juliette Salexa" <juliette.physic...(a)> wrote: > "james bejon" <jamesbe...(a)> wrote in message > > Thanks James, > > I realized I messed up that example: > > It should have been: > > ['0000' ; '0100' ; '1000' ; '1100'; > '0001' ; '0101' ; '1001' ; '1101'; > '0010' ; '0110' ; '1010' ; '1110'; > '0011' ; '0111' ; '1011' ; '1111'] > > which should be kron(I0,I0), > > except, instead of multiplying the elements, I want to concatenate the strings. > > Your example with cell arrays was exactly what I want to do, but I was avoiding cell arrays because I don't want to get something like: > > k = > > {1x1 cell} {1x1 cell} {1x1 cell} {1x1 cell} > {1x1 cell} {1x1 cell} {1x1 cell} {1x1 cell} > {1x1 cell} {1x1 cell} {1x1 cell} {1x1 cell} > {1x1 cell} {1x1 cell} {1x1 cell} {1x1 cell} > > instead, I want to be able to see the entries all simultaneously and easily I believe your example output is still wrong. Note that semicolons between elements in a matrix means separation by rows. Therefore, your matrix would end up being a 16x4, rather than a 4x16. This may be excessive, but try this: I0 = ['00';'01';'10';'11']; I0c = mat2cell(I0,repmat(1,1,max(size(I0))),min(size(I0))); k = cell2mat(cellfun(@(y)cell2mat(y),arrayfun(@(x)[repmat(x,size(I0c)) I0c],I0c,'uni',0),'uni',0)); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% k = 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 If you really wanted the 4x16 matrix, just add a transpose in there: k = cell2mat(cellfun(@(y)cell2mat(y),arrayfun(@(x)[repmat(x,size(I0c)) I0c],I0c,'uni',0)','uni',0)); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% k = 0000010010001100 0001010110011101 0010011010101110 0011011110111111 A bit excessive, Nathan
From: Juliette Salexa on 6 Apr 2010 18:24
Thanks Bruno and Nathan! Wow Bruno that was amazing! I didn't think of using ndgrid, Thanks Nathan .. It's true that the answer to my original question should have been a 16x4, but my overall goal was to get the 4x16 that James gave me ... he must have read my mind! |