From: Anton Kylling on
"Mathias Ortner" <mathias.ortner.dumpNOSPAM(a)> wrote in message <f7l1v6$39p$1(a)>...
> Hi, I tried to compile mex OpenCv,
> but I got the following
> error :
> mex cvlib_mex.c -ID:\programmes\OpenCV\cv\include -ID:\programmes\OpenCV\cxcore\include
> Error cvlib_mex.c: D:\programmes\OpenCV\cxcore\include\cxtypes.h: 300 compiler error in _kids--Bad rule number 0
> on the following line
> CvRNG rng = seed ? (uint64)seed : (uint64)(int64)-1;
> is that a known issue ?

Did you ever solve the problem? I get the same error...
