From: Richard on
Hi, I'm trying to load 25 files in a loop and assign the contents of each file to a unique name.
files on disk are named as

using the following code:


for i=1:25

I end up with a cell array of data(file contents) which I understand but I don't know how to do what I'm trying to do??
From: Ross W on
"Richard " <REMOVETHISrcaldwellie(a)> wrote in message <i40fuo$okv$1(a)>...
> Hi, I'm trying to load 25 files in a loop and assign the contents of each file to a unique name.
> files on disk are named as
> filenames0
> filenames1
> filenames2........
> using the following code:
> files=dir('pathtomyfiles\filenames*')
> names=cell(25,1);
> for i=1:25
> fname=['file',num2str(i)];
> names{i,1}=fname;
> end
> I end up with a cell array of data(file contents) which I understand but I don't know how to do what I'm trying to do??


Did you read this?

It might be a good start.

From: Image Analyst on
Why can't you just process your file right then and there in the loop? Why do you have to make up a cell array?
From: Richard on
"Image Analyst" <imageanalyst(a)> wrote in message <i40mvr$hfe$1(a)>...
> Why can't you just process your file right then and there in the loop? Why do you have to make up a cell array?
good suggestion. Thanks. Thats sorted it..
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