From: andrea Susnik on
I quite new in Matlab and I need some help.
I have a lot of .mat files in one directory with different names (they look like this 040123#.mat, only the last part of the name is different). In the .mat files are matrices with different size and names. These matrices has the same name in each .mat file, so if I load them all, they get overwrited. Is there some way to load all the .mat files at the same time, without overwriting the matrices in them?


From: Jan Simon on
Dear Andrea!

> I have a lot of .mat files in one directory with different names (they look like this 040123#.mat, only the last part of the name is different). In the .mat files are matrices with different size and names. These matrices has the same name in each .mat file, so if I load them all, they get overwrited. Is there some way to load all the .mat files at the same time, without overwriting the matrices in them?

Read the documentation of LOAD:
help load
doc load

Then call LOAD with an output argument:
M = load('040123#.mat')

Welcome to Matlab, Jan