From: Mohsen on
Hello All;

A question from a new member:

Does anybody has any comments to how I can have a 0 before "i" when it
is less than 10? I want the code to create files like Ch01PH.inp ...
Ch10PH.inp ... Ch20PH.inp.

Thanks very much,

Here comes the code:


for i in {1..20}
From: Glenn Jackman on
At 2010-01-29 03:24PM, "Mohsen" wrote:
> Hello All;
> A question from a new member:
> Does anybody has any comments to how I can have a 0 before "i" when it
> is less than 10? I want the code to create files like Ch01PH.inp ...
> Ch10PH.inp ... Ch20PH.inp.
> Thanks very much,
> Mohsen
> Here comes the code:
> #!/bin/ksh
> for i in {1..20}
> X=Ch$iPH.inp;
X=$(printf "Ch%02dPH.inp" $i)
> done

Glenn Jackman
Write a wise saying and your name will live forever. -- Anonymous
From: Seebs on
On 2010-01-29, Mohsen <jafarikia(a)> wrote:
> Does anybody has any comments to how I can have a 0 before "i" when it
> is less than 10? I want the code to create files like Ch01PH.inp ...
> Ch10PH.inp ... Ch20PH.inp.

printf "Ch%02dPH.inp\n" $i

For extra fun:

printf "Ch%02dPH.inp\n" {1..20}

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed. Peter Seebach / usenet-nospam(a) <-- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures <-- get educated!
From: Stephane CHAZELAS on
2010-01-29, 12:24(-08), Mohsen:
> Hello All;
> A question from a new member:
> Does anybody has any comments to how I can have a 0 before "i" when it
> is less than 10? I want the code to create files like Ch01PH.inp ...
> Ch10PH.inp ... Ch20PH.inp.

yes | head -n 20 | awk '{printf "Ch%02dPH.inp\n", ++n}' | xargs touch

> #!/bin/ksh
> for i in {1..20}
> X=Ch$iPH.inp;
> done

Here you're writing a script that is specific to specific
versions of specific implementations of a specific shell.

Some implementations of ksh support {01..20}, some others
{1..20%02d}. ksh is not standardized and the behavior varies
from implementation to implementation (pdksh, mksh, zsh,
AT&T ksh88, ksh93...) and version to version (ksh93r,
ksh93s...). Your script above may work on your system today but
may not work on other systems and may not even work on your
systems a few weeks/years from now (unlikely though as your
system's /bin/ksh implementation is likely to be the same and
future versions of that implementation are likely to be backward
compatible with older versions).

From: Gary Johnson on
Mohsen <jafarikia(a)> wrote:
> Hello All;
> A question from a new member:
> Does anybody has any comments to how I can have a 0 before "i" when it
> is less than 10? I want the code to create files like Ch01PH.inp ...
> Ch10PH.inp ... Ch20PH.inp.
> Thanks very much,
> Mohsen
> Here comes the code:
> #!/bin/ksh
> for i in {1..20}
> X=Ch$iPH.inp;
> done

Since you're using ksh, add

typeset -Z2 i

before the loop.

Gary Johnson