From: Jim on
Hello guys,

I am coding a rather large application and am faced by another stumbling block and need your help and expertise.

Firstly, as follows is the function:

function Return = Return_answer (x, X)
Return = -(x * X(1,1) + X(3,1)) / X(2,1);

Now in my application I am faced with the multiple values in the 'x' and 'X' variables, hence I'll need to do some looping.

So, I will begin explaining my issue:

VAL = [ 2 5 6 11;
8 7 9 15 ]

xmin = VAL(1)
ymin = VAL(2)
xmax = VAL(3)
ymax = VAL(4)

Now, my first problem here is that with the matrix 'VAL' I want to distinguish 'xmin' , 'ymin' , 'xmax' and 'ymin' for each row in VAL.

I am given in my application 'X' to be defined as:

X = [34 87;
59 79;
45 22]

This is where my second problem comes in. In the function 'Return' , X is supposed to be in the form X = [ 34; 59 ;45 ] and X = [87 ; 79; 22].

So, finally , to get my final result, I use the function in code as follows:

X = [ 34; 59 ;45 ];
VAL = [ 2 5 6 11];

xmin = VAL(1)
ymin = VAL(2)
xmax = VAL(3)
ymax = VAL(4)

Return = Return_answer(xmax, X)

The return answer is

Return = -4.22033898305085

I am new to Matlab and coding in general and not too sure on looping, So basically, I would like to get a return answer using looping.

With the other set of input values into the function as follows:

X = [ 87; 79 ; 22 ];
VAL = [ 8 7 9 15];

The return answer is

Return = -10.1898734177215

To conclude, I want in the end to get a final output answer of the form:

Return =

If any of you can help, please do, I'm in strife.
