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From: martha on 14 Jul 2010 11:48 Hi all, i want to calculate the ifft of a transformed discrete time series. Since i only want to use the most important (largest) frequencies to calculate the inverse, I cannot use the function ifft. in my approximation code is, however, a magnitude shift - and i just cannot figure out how to fix it. Thanx for ur help! Martha % I have calculated the fft of a discrete sample set 'y' with length 'L' NFFT = 2^nextpow2(L); Y = fft(y,NFFT)/L; f = Fs/2*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2); LS = 2*abs(Y(1:NFFT/2)); % Phase of FFT values for j=1:NFFT/2, Phi(j)=unwrap(angle(Y(j))); end % Sort according to importance of frequencies: [LS_sorted, idx] = sort(LS,'descend'); % 'm' most important frequencies max_m = 64; MAE = NaN(1,max_m); for m=1:max_m, f_main = f(idx(1:m)); LS_main = LS(idx(1:m)); Phi_main = Phi(idx(1:m)); data_approx = 0; for j=1:m, data_approx = data_approx + LS_main(j)*cos(2*pi*f_main(j)*t+Phi_main(j)); % data_approx = data_approx + LS_main(j)*cos(Phi_main(j))*cos(2*pi*f_main(j)*t) - LS_main(j)*sin(Phi_main(j))*sin(2*pi*f_main(j)*t); end
From: Wayne King on 14 Jul 2010 12:16 "martha " <dearmarylem(a)> wrote in message <i1km7k$bni$1(a)>... > Hi all, > > i want to calculate the ifft of a transformed discrete time series. Since i only want to use the most important (largest) frequencies to calculate the inverse, I cannot use the function ifft. in my approximation code is, however, a magnitude shift - and i just cannot figure out how to fix it. > > Thanx for ur help! > Martha > > % I have calculated the fft of a discrete sample set 'y' with length 'L' > > NFFT = 2^nextpow2(L); > Y = fft(y,NFFT)/L; > f = Fs/2*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2); > > LS = 2*abs(Y(1:NFFT/2)); > > % Phase of FFT values > for j=1:NFFT/2, > Phi(j)=unwrap(angle(Y(j))); > end > > % Sort according to importance of frequencies: > [LS_sorted, idx] = sort(LS,'descend'); > > % 'm' most important frequencies > max_m = 64; > MAE = NaN(1,max_m); > for m=1:max_m, > > f_main = f(idx(1:m)); > LS_main = LS(idx(1:m)); > Phi_main = Phi(idx(1:m)); > > data_approx = 0; > > for j=1:m, > data_approx = data_approx + LS_main(j)*cos(2*pi*f_main(j)*t+Phi_main(j)); > % data_approx = data_approx + LS_main(j)*cos(Phi_main(j))*cos(2*pi*f_main(j)*t) - LS_main(j)*sin(Phi_main(j))*sin(2*pi*f_main(j)*t); > end Hi Martha, Out of curiosity why don't you just: 1.) Create a vector of zeros 2.) Find the largest magnitudes (make sure you take them in pairs if the signal is real-valued--you can't break the conjugate symmetry) 3.) Fill the vector of zeros with the complex-valued coefficients you identified in step 2 (in the appropriate places of course!) 4.) Take the inverse Fourier transform of that. For example: Fs = 1000; t = 0:(1/Fs):1-(1/Fs); x = cos(2*pi*100*t)+0.5*sin(2*pi*200*t)+0.25*randn(size(t)); xDFT = fft(x); [freqsort, idx] = sort(abs(xDFT),'descend'); xrecon = zeros(size(xDFT)); % Take the 4 largest magnitudes-- you have two sinusoids but that makes for % 4 complex exponentials xrecon(idx(1:4))=xDFT(idx(1:4)); xrecon = ifft(xrecon,'symmetric'); % plot and compare focusing on the 1st 250 points plot(xrecon(1:250)); hold on; plot(x(1:250),'k'); This seems like what you are trying to do with your code anyway. Hope that helps, Wayne
From: martha on 14 Jul 2010 13:07 Thanx Wayne, thats an interesting point! My aim is to get the mean absolute error between the initial signal and the estimator calculated with the most important frequencies. So i would actually need to approximate and compare the entire time series.
From: martha on 14 Jul 2010 13:39 I should maybe add that i have tried the code. it worked fine with the self defined series 'x' but unfortunately did not at all approximate the random time series i want to process.
From: Greg Heath on 14 Jul 2010 19:56 On Jul 14, 11:48 am, "martha " <dearmary...(a)> wrote: > Hi all, > > i want to calculate the ifft of a transformed discrete time series. Since i only want to use the most > important (largest) frequencies to calculate the inverse, I cannot use the function ifft. I am on a public machine that only contains IE and games. Therefore I can only give you directions without details or valid code: You can use the ifft:. Y = fft(y); PSD = abs(Y).^2/L; % Power Spectral density P0 = sum(PSD) % proportional to the total power in y P = cumsum(fliplr(sort(PSD))); % Cumulative sum of power Find the index k that yields the % of power you wish to maintain (say 90%) P(k-1) < 0.9*P0 <= P(k) Use the options in the sort command to find what frequencies {j}make up P(k). Set all other values of Y equal to zero. ifft the pruned Y. Hope this helps. Greg
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