From: Archimedes Plutonium on

Enrico wrote:
> Start here (?)
> Points and lines in a lattice
> Invisible Infinities: Determining the Fraction of Lattice Points
> Visible
> from the Origin in the Third Dimension

That last one looks to be a young smart student in a science project.
Much more sophisticated than my science project in High School
with mice slides.

> I used the search string - lattice visible
> The hard part was guessing what this problem
> is generally called. There may be other names
> and / or other models of this problem.
> Enrico

From reading Enrico's references above I am in good shape to consider
that the
radius of the electron and with the Intergalactic Medium density of
about 1 atom
per cubic meter would yield a result that says that the upper limit of
resolution of an astro body is somewhere in the 200 to 400 million
light years
away. This is hugely important to astronomy because it tells us that
the quasars
and the Great Walls are not billions of light years away but merely
400 million
or less.

--- from Wikipedia ---
classical electron radius, also known as the Lorentz radius or the
Thomson scattering length, is based on a classical (i.e., non-quantum)
relativistic model of the electron. Its value is calculated as 2.8 x
10^-15 meters
--- end ---

So the diameter is x2 = 5.6 x 10^-15 meters

1 light year = 10^16 meters
400 million ly = 4 x 10^8
So I am looking at 4 x 10^24 meters

The probability of a hurdle in running from a random lattice is 6/

That gives me reassurance that 400 million light years is too far of a
if the Cosmic density of atoms is 1 atom per cubic meter.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies