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From: crazyman on 15 Jun 2010 14:34 Hey hi everyone I am new to Matlab and wanna write a code to find the coordinate x,y,z which can be used as a centre of 8 sphere of radius r=.015 which must lie inside a cube of .09*.09*.09.The spheres must not touch each other and should not touch the boundary so i calculate the distance between them and compared it to 2*.015 i dont know but there is something wrong with my loop can any one suggest what is going wrong for i=1:8 x(i)=rand(1,1)*.065; % will generate random number from 0 to .065 y(i)=rand(1,1)*.065; z(i)=rand(1,1)*.065; if x(i)<.018 % to take care that they dont intersect boundary x(i)=x(i)+.015; end if y(i)<.018 y(i)=y(i)+.015; end if z(i)<.018 z(i)=z(i)+.015; end end % let r=.01 and thickness =.004 therefore distance between them < % .014*2=.028~ .03 or R^2=.0009 for l=1:8 for m=1:8 if (l~=m) R=sqrt((x(l)-x(m))*(x(l)-x(m))+(y(l)-y(m))*(y(l)-y(m))+(z(l)-z(m))*(z(l)-z(m))); if(R<.03) % R is the square of distance between them therefore should be <.0009 z(l)=z(l) +.001 -.001*R; if z(l)>.085 % to take into account that it doesnot touch boundary z(l)=z(l)-.015; end l=1; m=1; end end end end
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