From: Lee Sander on 11 Jun 2010 10:43 Hi, I have matlab2008a which works perfectly under ubuntu 9.04; however, I recently upgraded to ubuntu 10.04. While matlab works if I start with -nodesktop, it does not work if I use matlab -desktop . I don't get any error message: the splash screen shows up for less than a second and then dissapears and matlab starts in the xterm in which I invoked the command. I suspect this has to do with java, because while I can do HM=java.util.HashMap in ubuntu 9.04 I get "?? Undefined variable "java" or class "java.util.HashMap" when I invoke this command in ubuntu 10.04 I have java-6-sun so I have tried this by setting JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre and also JAVA_HOME=/opt/matlab2008a/sys/java/jre/glnx86/jre1.6.0 and also JAVA_HOME=/opt/matlab2008a/sys/java/jre I am not sure what to do next, and would appreciate any suggestions. thanks Lee
From: Jonathan on 15 Jun 2010 18:34
I've been using Matlab 2009b for about a month now on Ubuntu 10.04 x86_64 without major problems. Suddenly today the desktop gui wouldn't come up, only willing to start in command line mode. There are no errors. Turning off compiz didn't help. None of the standard linux solutions helped. Becoming desperate I tried the solution to the problem here: It worked! When 'matlab' is typed in a terminal it's really running /usr/local/bin/matlab which then in turn runs $MATLAB_DIR/bin/matlab. That /usr/local/bin/matlab is some sort of script or something and was somehow screwed up. So, to fix it in my case: cd /usr/local/bin sudo mv matlab matlab_bkp sudo ln -s /opt/Matlab2009b/bin/matlab sudo chmod 777 matlab To quickly test if this will work for you, navigate to your Matlab directory and run 'bin/matlab'. |