From: Philip on

I am trying to work out if there is an mcc command line option to specify that ALL .m files in one or more directories are to be compiled into a dotnet library. At the moment I have to name them all as below:

mcc -I "..\Utils" -I "..\Charts" -I "..\Classes" -I "..\Statistics" -I "..\Helper functions" -W "dotnet:FRM.AnalyticsServer.MATLAB.StatisticsManager,AnalyticsServer.StatisticsManagerEntry,2.0,Private,local" Analytics_Constants.m Analytics_CoreCalculations.m Analytics_FundCalculationBase.m Analytics_Funds.m -d "." -T link:lib

I would like to run something like

mcc -I "..\Utils" -I "..\Charts" -I "..\Classes" -I "..\Statistics" -I "..\Helper functions" -W "dotnet:FRM.AnalyticsServer.MATLAB.StatisticsManager,AnalyticsServer.StatisticsManagerEntry,2.0,Private,local" *.m -d "." -T link:lib

Any ideas?
