From: DitzaN on 12 Jul 2010 06:53 Hi, I have the same problem, but my matrix is huge (960*1280) and I need filter of 5*5. The code crashed in this line (because of memory problems): idx = repmat(iA(:).',numel(is),1) + repmat(is(:)-1,1,numel(iA)); Could it be possible to limit the code to work only with points which are problematic with medfilt2: points which have neighboring NaNs but aren't totally surrounded by them. I would appreciate any suggestions! Ditza
From: Bruno Luong on 13 Jul 2010 04:12 Ditza, you lingt give this version a try, the memory requirement is less: function M = mediannan(A, sz) if nargin<2 sz = 5; end if length(sz)==1 sz = [sz sz]; end if any(mod(sz,2)==0) error('kernel size SZ must be odd)') end margin=(sz-1)/2; AA = nan(size(A)+2*margin); AA(1+margin(1):end-margin(1),1+margin(2):end-margin(2))=A; [iB jB]=ndgrid(1:sz(1),1:sz(2)); is=sub2ind(size(AA),iB,jB); [iA jA] = ndgrid(1:size(A,1),1:size(A,2)); iA = sub2ind(size(AA),iA,jA); iA = uint32(iA(:).'); iS = uint32(is(:)-1); idx = bsxfun(@plus,iA,iS); % idx = repmat(iA(:).',numel(is),1) + repmat(is(:)-1,1,numel(iA)); B = sort(AA(idx),1); clear idx j = any(isnan(B),1); last = zeros(1,size(B,2))+size(B,1); [trash last(j)]=max(isnan(B(:,j)),[],1); last(j)=last(j)-1; M = nan(1,size(B,2)); valid = find(~isnan(A(:).')); % <- Simple check on A mid = (last(valid)+1)/2; i1 = sub2ind(size(B),floor(mid),valid); i2 = sub2ind(size(B),ceil(mid),valid); M(valid) = 0.5*(B(i1) + B(i2)); M = reshape(M,size(A)); end % medianna % Bruno
From: DitzaN on 9 Aug 2010 06:57 Hello Bruno, Sorry it took me time to respond It does exactly what I wanted Thank you, Ditza
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