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From: venkata on 23 Jul 2010 22:13 I have a situation where I need to make a contour plot showing the magentic fields generated all thru the grid. The thing is I want to superimpose the line plot generated through out the x-axis and center of y-grid into the contour plot. i have tried all types but I cannot find solution. Can anyone please help me how to superimpose the line plots in the contourf plots. I tried 'hold on', but couldnt get a good plot.
From: TideMan on 23 Jul 2010 22:57
On Jul 24, 2:13 pm, "venkata " <rockzlife...(a)> wrote: > I have a situation where I need to make a contour plot showing the magentic fields generated all thru the grid. The thing is I want to superimpose the line plot generated through out the x-axis and center of y-grid into the contour plot. > i have tried all types but I cannot find solution. > Can anyone please help me how to superimpose the line plots in the contourf plots. > I tried 'hold on', but couldnt get a good plot. This is standard procedure in tidal analysis where amplitude is plotted as colours and phase is plotted as lines - called a cotidal chart. But from your vague post I have no idea what you're doing wrong, nor what the problem is. What do you mean by "couldnt get a good plot"? If you want help, you'll have to post your code. |