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From: Louisa on 6 Jun 2010 11:22 I wonder if anybody's got any tips on this: I'm trying to automate the import of metadata information on scales and offsets from a file, so that I don't have to keep cutting and pasting that information from hdftool into the program I'm writing. At the moment I don't know how to use a Matlab command line to do this and bypass the hdftool dialog box. Grateful for assistance.
From: Rune Allnor on 6 Jun 2010 12:50 On 6 Jun, 17:22, "Louisa " <louisa_reyno...(a)> wrote: > I wonder if anybody's got any tips on this: I'm trying to automate the import of metadata information on scales and offsets from a file, Use FSCANF and friends. Rune
From: sscnekro on 6 Jun 2010 13:06 > I'm trying to automate the import of metadata and bypass the hdftool dialog box. I'm trying to go through available posts on data import & export, as have gaps myself. I saw sth on hdf syntax to Matlab, it reminds of other -read functions:
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