From: Jesús on
Dear Sirs:

I have been using several mex files with R2008 and with R2009. The question is that before, I had a Makefile script with a variable pointing to the MEX PATH=

Before :

MATLAB = /opt/matlabR2008b
MEX = $(MATLAB)/bin/mex

Now (This fails!!!!)

MATLAB = /opt/matlabR2008b
MEX = $(MATLAB)/bin/mex

When doing this change I obtain the following error:

mex: /opt/matlabR2009b/extern/src/mexversion.c not a normal file or does not exist.

I didn't deleted the matlabR2008b, and if I use the former path
(MATLAB = /opt/matlabR2008b) it works OK but I dont know why it does not work with the new version


From: Jesús on
Sorry, I made a mistake explaining the problem

The correct is:

Now (This fails!!!!)

MATLAB = /opt/matlabR2009b
MEX = $(MATLAB)/bin/mex
From: Jesús on
Anyone can help me please?

