From: Robert Aldwinckle on
> WLM insists on downloading all the messages before it will show me one.

> (Part of the problem, of course, is my own settings in Tools| Options |
> Read.)

No, R.C., that would be *all* of the problem. E.g. by unchecking
Get... you are requesting that all headers be downloaded; so WLMail tries to
do that with 1 command and AFAIK there is no NNTP command which says "get
them all, backwards" <eg>.

Change your Get to 50, then get 50. Those will be the most recent posts in
that NG. If you really want the rest you could then use a Synchronize
command with All Messages set as the synchronization criterion. Or if you
then want just the rest of the headers, uncheck Get... and do another Get
Next (e.g. click Headers). Or, if you don't want any more old ones (and are
through with the ones that you have sampled) use Catch Up. Etc.
